New to crossfit - and it's kicking my ass!


New member
Hey all, I (33M, 5'10, 170lbs) have taken up crossfit in the last few weeks, and the wods are absolutely killing me. I thought I was moderately fit, having played a lot of football (soccer) in my teens and early twenties, followed by general gym & kettlebell workouts into my thirties. Crossfit has humbled me so much, the gulf between me and the rest of the folk in the class is a lot bigger than I expected.

I'm sometimes struggling to complete the wods even when scaled. I think I need to work on my cardio fitness, but I'm also looking for advice if there's something better I could be doing. My current plan is to do 3 x 5km zone 2 runs a week to build up my cardio base. I currently attend crossfit classes 2x a week, but can't attend more often atm due to my schedule.

Is there anything else I should be doing to help prep me for the wods? I'm also keeping a kettlebell conditioning workout 1x a week alongside the 5k runs.

One caveat is that I have arthritis, so a) it takes me longer to recover in general b) I have reduced lung capacity compared to an average person my age and c) I'm also doing to be spending time doing mobility work, because my wrists/shoulder mobility is absolute trash and a front rack/squat is physically impossible for me at the moment.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

(P.S. I've definitely already caught the crossfit bug and I'm in this for the long haul!)
@beachgirl76 I would feel like such a coward by quitting workouts midway and couldn’t understand how others could keep going. I have a reasonable engine (nothing like some of the people here). Realised it was just me starting a long workout, getting HR to 180 and then trying to hold on for 45 minutes just wasn’t sustainable. Mykos triangle is a great workout to use to learn pacing. 3 minutes work 1 minute rest. I’d use my heart rate tracker to try and get my heart rate down to a certain level during that minute and I could tell whether I would then be able to hit the target I’d set.