New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

  • Did I meet 2023 fitness goals?
Kind of! I got into lifting through GZCLP. I did set myself some weight targets, but I lost interest over the summer and didn’t meet them. I did, however, meet my goal of being able to do pull-ups, which I would take over any kind of milestone weight PR for the big lifts. I simply love pull-ups!

I continued swimming and spontaneously signed up for my first ever event - a 10km river swim, which I did, and loved. So, while I didn’t set myself a specific goal for swimming, I ended up achieving one. I also qualified as a swimming teaching assistant. Also, I made some new swimming friends, which is completely awesome.

What I learnt is that you can achieve things that you want to by preparing for them and then doing them. It’s totally within the realms of possibility.
  • What am I excited to achieve in 2024?
I signed up for a 17.7km lake swim in August, so I am gearing up for that. I plan to commit to either a tri club or Masters team to get more input and feedback on technique, as at the moment I just do my own training sessions and could do with a bit of external commentary.

I have just recently returned to the gym, so I hope to get back to my previous strength levels and maybe exceed them by the spring. My main goal is to be a better swimmer, so I’m incorporating more movements that complement it, and doing more flexibility exercises as well. Already I have noticed that my swimming has improved again with added strength training.

I want to do more wild swimming, so I’m going to arrange to go on some swim-walks with my new swim friends, partner, other friends, etc, a lot more this year, when it gets warmer. Plus do a couple more open water events.

Hope everyone smashed their goals this year and will do next year 💪
@nathan2018 My 2023 goal was to do assisted pull-ups with as little weight as possible. And then reach an unassisted pull-up in 2024.

But 3 weeks ago I tried a pull-up without any assistance and I was able to do it! and now I am able to do 3! I bought a doorway bar and do multiple sets of 2 during the day. For resources, I watched a bunch of videos for good form and which muscles you should feel burning.

My 2024 goal will be a muscle-up, but I do not know how to effectively train this yet. Which muscle groups should I focus on?

And be able to do 10 push-ups, so far I can do 5. This will just be training, I assume. Bouldering, swimming and yoga will help with that, where I strive to keep a firm training regimen of at least 2 times a week, ideally 3.
@nathan2018 I met /most/ of my 2023 fitness goals - 40kg bench, 100kg deadlift, but not my 100kg squat (although the strength is there now, I’m running triples so I didn’t actually get to test it before the year ended). I competed twice! When I went into the year thinking maybe once and see how it feels. And I learned SO much. I learned about how composed I can be in high pressure and slightly chaotic environments. I learned that failing a lift is fine and doesn’t really mean much in the scheme of things. I learned so much about positioning in each of my lifts that I’m confident they’re all going places next year. I learned, from being in a specialist gym, how much you can get done with limited equipment and, from being in a commercial gym, that your equipment doesn’t need to be specialist to get the job done (sometimes we might just have to adapt our approach to what’s in front of us).
In 2024 I want to actually hit that squat, double bodyweight (~120kg deadlift) and 50kg bench, even if it’s only at the gym. I want to do 2x weekly 20 minute LISS after sessions. 2 more comps. Stick to daily creatine, as I fall off when my schedule is changed at the moment. And then a more vague one but I think others will appreciate - just being brave enough to strip down to my sports bra if I’m too dang hot in the gym! I have suffered too much at the hands of heated gym spaces (why do they do this?) and want to enjoy my sessions!
I like setting myself manageable goals - I think all of these are quite easily achievable given the pace I’m going at and the way my year looks to be - but it’s nice to have some wiggle room in case life starts lifing. I think the things that have really helped me in the past with goal setting & achievement are having multiple goals that are spaced out over a period of time so you’ve always got something you’re near to and something you’ve recently achieved. A constant sense of progress, which is something that lifting makes quite obvious because you’re working with numbers.
@nathan2018 My 2023 goals were
- get stronger > smashed it
- one pull-up > so hard! but did it
- try running > which i thought i hated, but turns out i enjoy running at my pace

My 2024 goals are:
- get stronger & invest in wrist wraps and lifting belt
- two pullups in a row (one was hard enough, so 2 feels like a realistic goal)
- run 5k under 30 mins
- try a trail run
@nathan2018 Did I meet my 2023 goals??

Well, to start with, I had no goals. I have been through weight loss journey in my life 3 times only to have it bounce back with lot more weight the moment I got complacent. So I had no hopes that any step would result in success. But I decided to trust the process and have lost 20 kgs this year and I lift 5x a week now consistently and my lifting capacity has gone up really well despite me getting covid and flu in the year twice which kinda set me back for 2 months. Lifting is now a passion than a chore and I’m excited for 2024 and what I achieve in it.

What am I excited for in 2024?

Ideally I’m excited to keep up my gym routine and loose another 15 kgs this year. I like running and want to take it up so I’m going to start running consistently and participate in a 10k at least. I want to take up hiking and get into social groups for fitness. I have kinda lost my social circle this year coz I got into gymming changed me a lot mentally..lot of clarity in my head and made me emotionally strong…and my friends discouraged me a lot from it coz I gave up drinking. I didn’t mind going out but they would force me to drink each time and They kept asking me when I’m going to give up gym and how long this “phase” will last, why don’t I just opt for surgery than do this….it just made me realise I need a new set of friends who enjoy things same as I do. And maybe just maybe, find a partner who likes to train as well 😂 now that’s a dream but one can always hope lol

Resources that helped me set my fitness goals?
I used to lift in 2013 and gave up just before covid so I forgot all about lifting. Having a PT for first 5 months really helped. I got good dietary advice along with good coaching on lifts, forms especially given my auto immune condition. And watching a tonne of YouTube videos from various creators on forms and lifts etc and how to create a program helped me a lot immensely. The resources here helped me a lot too and participating and asking questions on daily threads has been extremely helpful! Thanks to everyone who has been extremely encouraging here!!
@nathan2018 I look forward to trying some new gyms and classes this year. Every time I try something new (e.g. yoga) I get the membership and then don't go, and then waste money. This time around, I'm going to save money with class packs and go when I want instead of paying out every month. If I go consistently, then maybe I'll think of a membership.
@nathan2018 My 2023 goal was to run a marathon which I... sort of did. I signed up for Chicago, trained all summer, and then got injured 5 weeks out from race day. I was in so much pain I could barely walk but got into PT immediately. I didn't train at all the last month leading up to the race and instead focused on rehab and recovery, so my goal kind of changed to "make it to the start line." I ended up being able to run more than half the race before the pain became too much, and I'll call that a win for me.

My 2024 goals are mostly related to what happened in 2023. I want to be able to run again without pain so the focus is on strength and crosstraining for the first three months of the year. Spring training starts in March for a half marathon and I'd like to PR, but I know that to be able to do that I'll need to really focus on strength training in addition to my runs (as well as swimming and cycling as crosstraining).
@nathan2018 My long-term goals that I think I'll be able to accomplish next year: be able to do pull-ups, handstands, and clapping push ups!

Pull ups - I'm doing only 3-second negatives right now max. Slowly upping my lat pulldowns and bent over rows #s to also increase my time in the negatives

Handstands - practicing handstand against the wall usually at the end of every session

clapping push ups - working on getting 20 solid push ups first. My PR is 13.5 rn lol

All of my goals are ultimately for the freestyle jump rope that I do. There are moves called "power moves" which require upper body strength and I want to be able to do them. Being able to do the above will help me with the power moves in my jump roping
@nathan2018 I want to do more social sport with other people.

My friend group has fallen apart since pandemic and I want to meet like minded people so:

Spartan race


Social dancing

Bike tours with others

Hiking groups

Less gym and stuff on my own. I met my 2023 goals of fitness consistency (started bike commuting, optimized gym routine) and meal prep every week.
@pompster2 Consider rucking for the hiking! For more social hikes, I have found that sometimes the pace is lower so that you can chat and not drop the slowest hiker (all good things!). But to still get a workout at a slower pace, throw some weight in a backpack. I just started experimenting with 20 lbs for a few miles and it's pretty fun and challenging to keep pace on hills.
@nathan2018 I am ending 2023 with a much different mindset and body composition than I started. I have gained about 20 lbs since starting new meds 2 years ago and it was really bugging me, but it felt unrealistic as a mom of two elementary schoolers to count calories and focus on losing weight (I have an 8 year old daughter who I want to make sure I present a healthy body image for.) I started Caroline Girvan’s workouts in April/May and since then I have gotten MUCH stronger and have noticeably changed my body’s shape…but the scale hasn’t budged even an inch! And I’m cool with that! A strong, 20 lbs overweight body with good mental health is absolutely a win in my book. Also I like my wardrobe right now and wouldn’t want to have to get new clothes.

In 2024 I am going to focus on lifting 5x a week, walking the dog most days for at least 15 minutes (I found that if I tell myself I just have to go around the block it actually happens daily and we are both happier than if I make it a big thing that only happens a few times a week. My husband walks him again in the evening) and reducing my alcohol intake to social events only and less than 8 drinks a month.
@nathan2018 I have been sick the past two weeks and look forward to resuming my running and lifting schedule. I have so much guilt for not being able to resume and am genuinely worried my routine has been permanently impacted.
@nathan2018 Thanks. I had just developed a great routine the past two months waking up at 630am and working out, which has been tough for a night owl like me so I aim to resume as best as I can soon. Going to take it easy like you advised so that I stay consistent and recover.
I’ll start:

Did you meet your 2023 fitness goals? What did you learn in the process?

Not at all! 2023 was a rough fitness year for me. I had a major move, started a new job, and had to figure out how to organize my life around a bad commute. I’m probably about as strong as I was one year ago, and less strong overall than I was 1.5 years ago. I pulled out of two separate meets because I was so overwhelmed with Life Stuff.

I’ve really had to lean into a flexible something-is-better-than-nothing approach to lifting and get better at using RPE, since my strength on a given week or day is all over the place.

What are you excited to achieve in 2024? Share your fitness-related New Year’s Resolutions and/or fitness goals for 2024, and discuss your plan for achieving those goals

Process goals: Lift 4 days per week, even if it’s just the main lift for the day. Do LISS at least 2x per week and conditioning 1x per week.

Lift goals: Same as last year - 300 lbs deadlift, 225 squat and 135 bench. Compete at least once.

Share resources or strategies that helped you set goals and establish good fitness habits

Everything I linked in the main post :) I’ll also add that I’ve listened to a ton of the Iron Culture podcast and I think they’re really killing it right now.