New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

@nathan2018 2023 goals:
- Bench my bodyweight. BW at the start of 2023 was 80kg, it's now 87kg. Yesterday I got a new PR of 75kg bench. Didn't quite make it, but I started 2023 with a PR of 60kg, so I'd say that's good progress for the year.
- Deadlift 140kg. Started the year with a PR of 120kg. Managed to lift 150kg last week, and do 140kg for 4 reps.
- Start running. Managed 3-5 times a week until I took long trip in April and fell off the wagon. I was struggling to eat enough for lifting 6x a week + running. I managed a half marathon in that time, but I think I didn't build up slowly enough.

2024 goals:
- Bench my bodyweight. Expect this will be closer to 90kg by the end of the year. I'm determined.
- Deadlift 170kg. 3 red plates, should be manageable.
- Sign up for a marathon. Will try running again, 3 times a week maximum. Taking it slow. Going to try for the London marathon ballot, but if not I'll sign up for a local one to run in Spring '24
- 10 consecutive, clean pull ups. I can do 2-3 messy ones. Just need to put a bit more focus on them.
@nathan2018 My 2023 goals really started mid summer when I started working with a personal trainer. I've been consistently training twice a week since then, even working around my traveling and holidays, which I'm really proud of.

For 2024, my goals are:
-continue my 2x/week training sessions
-continue with my weekly runs to complete a 5k and 10k
-add in weekly yoga sessions
-recommit to more home cooked & healthier meals
@nathan2018 I kept my 2023 fitness goals kind of general - run 3-4x/week, intervals 2x/week, lift 1x/week. Things like that. I just wanted to build routine. I met all my 2023 goals, gained 5lbs of muscle, and ran some unplanned ultras that weren’t part if my original goals (I had an ultra background previously though). I ran a 100k in March after just picking running up again in January and smashed my time expectations given my level of training at the time (15h 20m finish). I signed up for another 100k in November (qualified for western states 100 by several hours!) and ran an unplanned 50k in October.

In 2024 - I want to complete my first 100 mile distance (race is in February with another scheduled for November in case I DNF the Feb race) and then take a break to focus more on lifting and climbing. I’d love to be able to boulder V6 consistently, do pistol/dragon squats, 10 consecutive pull-ups, and gain 10lbs of muscle. Now that I’ve got routines in place, I feel ready to tackle more specific fitness goals. I’ll probably add some lift specific goals soon.
@nathan2018 I only found this sub a few months ago and I have found it inspiring. I didn't have any 2023 fitness goals, because I had too much on my plate, working full time, wife/mom, finishing my degree (full course load), taking care of ailing parents. Unfortuntaly I am now 18 lbs heavier than I was in 2022 when I reenrolled in college. I also had a partial rotator cuff injury.

My 2024 Health/Fitness Goals
  • Eat a more plant based diet for health reasons - My goal is 70% plant based, right now about 20%.
  • Lose the 18lbs I have gained since I started back with college in 2022 (my degree will be finished March 2024)
  • Get back into lifting weights 3 times a week - It has been hard to get into with school, then a shoulder injury, been doing physical therapy and feel healed. Still some exercises I can't do, but that is ok because there are a lot of alternative exercises.
  • Get back into running 3 times a week - Running makes me happy. Right now I'm walking and am working on stamina before I start upping my pace.
ETA: I wanted to add these aren't really new goals, but things I have been actively working on for the past 2 months by making micro changes to my life.
@nathan2018 My 2023 goals were: to achieve 10 pull-ups; to bench my body weight. Secondary: to squat 1.5x and deadlift 2x my body weight, to stretch more.

What I achieved: I can do 10 pull-ups! I benched my body weight in August (now I can't do it again). Didn't achieve any secondary goals (didn't even try to stretch more haha).

What has changed: in August, I kinda burned out after following a primarily powerlifting-focused routine. So, I decided to focus on bodybuilding-style workouts and eating more. Now I'm not chasing PRs anymore; I'm just training in different rep ranges and eating a lot. I enjoy it! So I think it's okay that my training style has changed, and I'm not achieving a 1.5x bw squat and 2x bw deadlift (I stopped deadlifting btw) in the foreseeable future.

My goals for 2024: to keep training like I currently train and enjoy the process. I'll keep bulking, and I hope to achieve the 60 kg mark by the spring at the latest. In the spring, I'll probably do a cut and then maintain until autumn. I also want to start including at least some cardio into my routine. I think it will be well-aligned with the cut.
@nathan2018 2023: didn't set any specific goals. I stayed consistent in the gym, and for the first time in my life continued running regardless of whether I had a race on the calendar or not. I finally feel like running has become as much a part of my routine as lifting has.

2024 goal: you know how you've been lifting weights consistently for the last 8 years? Maybe let's finally get rid of the excess 15-20 lbs so you can actually look like you lift weights. 🙃
On a more serious note, it'd be cool to do another triathlon.

Edit: I also think I have created such a healthy and positive relationship with the gym and lifting. It never feels like a chore, but I also don't feel guilty if I have to miss a day. It's not a punishment for eating too much. I just genuinely enjoy going and being strong. It feels completely separate from my relationship with food and my body image.
@nathan2018 My 2023 goals went out the window. I had a nagging injury that took forever to heal. Hated it.

My 2024 fitness goals are being more consistent so I can rehab and doing more physical activities and adventures with my friends. Fitness goal adjacent: I'm getting into gardening, and I have some big plans that will require a lot of lifting, carrying, and digging.
@nathan2018 This is probably going to read like a blog post, but bear with me….

I started 2023 with a hip stress fracture and a DNS for a 50 mile race that I ran EVERY SINGLE MILE of the training plan. I ended 2022 on crutches, with zero running at all in November and December. I came back from that and ran four marathons in 2023 (including crash training for a June marathon) and for the first time in years I am uninjured in December! 2024 will be the year of the 50 mile race for me!

I also left a job in 2023 unexpectedly. A company I was with for over 20 years. leaving rocked my world - in all the best ways. I reconnected with my kids, took an epic trip to japan with two of them, and will be starting a really sweet gig in January as an executive officer with a much smaller, much more aspirational company.

I still have things I want to work on in 2024 - I know my work life will be a huge challenge for me, but I’m up for it. I want to run that 50 mile race - so I need to balance training in there as well. I plan to lose 8lbs of weight I’ve gained over the last year and a half (I gained more than that, but want to keep some of it), and I want to cut back on drinking alcohol - I’ve been tracking my consumption and sleep metrics for three months and even a single 4.5 ounce glass of wine has a measurable negative impact on my sleep quality.

So what I’m doing….
  1. Running - I have a marathon in April on the schedule - my training has started! I plan to hit a fall 50 miler, so I’ll be running two marathon training cycles again this year, like I’ve done the last few years, with the summer/fall cycle extended.
  2. I am using the Habits app to track the things I want to do daily. I’ll use it to track my daily 5 minute core goal, 5 minute stretching goal, weighing myself, daily cardio (just 30 min a day - usually it’s more, but 30 minutes checks the box), “no alcohol” aiming for 240 alcohol-free days in 2024, my daily Wordle and Connections chat group with friends, Duolingo, etc. Some of it is fun stuff (gets me used to checking boxes), some of it is habits I need to build.
  3. Supporting my kids in their goals. Sports, arts, school, social
@nathan2018 2023 was a good fitness year for me. I finally became a more consistent runner, after years of trying, and ran several 5Ks and an 8K. I have gotten better about fitting running into my life, juggling kids and work. What helped is having a weekend running buddy- she inspires me to do better.

Fitness goals for 2024: to become a mediocre runner, which is a step up from where I am starting! My goal race is the Peachtree 10K on July 4. Until then, I want to stay true to this fitness schedule (after that race, I will reevaluate)-
  • Three runs a week: a hill run, an interval/speed run, and a long run
  • Three days of strength training: I'd like to do these at the gym, but realistically many will be at home with lighter weights that I own
My pie in the sky goal for this year is to get personal trainer certification, just to learn more about fitness.
@nathan2018 My 2023 goal was to come back from pregnancy strong and hit my old lifting PRs. I am still short on my deadlift and squat, but can now do unassisted pull ups and my mile time is down a minute. I’m leaner and down 15 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight, have a better relationship with food and alcohol , and have dialed in nutrition and training. So I consider it overall a win!

For 2024 I’m hoping to get that DL up and I signed up for a half marathon. Training to keep that mile time down even on a longer race.
@nathan2018 I’ve got a lumbar back injury which means heavy lifting and strongwoman is out for a while. So I’m focusing on increasing my VO2 with machines, bench press and lots of Zone 2 aka walking dogs

I’m also giving up alcohol completely.
@nathan2018 2023 goals: I had pneumonia and two bad concussions (and probably covid) back to back to back in May and June that destroyed my strength and stamina for a bit. I went from lifting 5x/week and training for what I was hoping would be my first race to barely able to lift the bar or walk around the block without getting winded. My goals became more about rebuilding my strength to last winter’s baseline, and I did it!

2024 goals: I’m doing the Salkantay Trek in Peru in April and have just started training for that. Also want to run a 10k this summer (the trekking training will help with that).

Less specific goals include joining a more social sport and being better about body maintenance — actually going for physio and massages, and taking breaks/resting as needed.