New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

@nathan2018 My goal last year was consistency with the gym and I was consistent for about 9 months and then moved, switched jobs, and fell off the wagon. My goal for 2024 is to find a gym I like in my new city and get back to going at least twice a week (hoping for 3 times).
@nathan2018 I didn't have fitness goals in 2023, my goals were simple: survive through making major life changes. And I accomplished them with grace, gratitude, and joy.

I'm still formulating my 2024 goals, but the fitness goal that I keep thinking about is to increase my endurance. I'd like to start with a daily walk, then a daily walk for 30 minutes, and eventually longer hikes added in. I'm considering a C25K program.

Mostly, I just wanted to come in here and say a huge, heartfelt thank you for the article "An Evidence-Based Approach to Goal Setting and Behavior Change." That article is quite long, but so detailed and helpful - I took 3 pages of notes! A lot of it matched what I have learned through other sources (e.g. Atomic Habits by James Clear), but some of it was new and a major revelation (i.e. SMART goals).
@nathan2018 I've loved reading everyone else's, so thanks for this thread!

2023 fitness goals: after a long bout of mostly depression-related inactivity, my initial goal for 2023 was just "do something physical every day." Well, I failed on that pretty quick, but I did manage to finally lose the rest of my excess pandemic weight from January-April with CICO and sporadic walking, stationary biking, and restorative yoga. In mid-April, I started tracking my steps again and returned to the gym for the first time in ~1.5 years. I set my step goal to 8k and have successfully met at least that for the last 154 days, with an overall average of 12k steps. I spent most of the summer and fall doing some form of Easy Strength, which I loved because a.) I love loaded carries and kb swings and b.) it allows my almost-elderly self to not feel beat up. I put enough muscle back on to have mostly filled out the loose skin I had from weight loss.

2024 goals: continue my step goal at least until I get that badge for 365 consecutive days, lol. Do c25k for the third time (already did day 1 today) and hopefully this time continue running after I finish it. Complete a 30 day 30 min youtube yin yoga challenge that starts tomorrow + actually go to more yin/restorative classes at my gym. Go back to an old upper/lower lifting plan that I loved in the past for at least the next 8 weeks. Do better with my protein intake.
@nathan2018 tw: weight mention (behind spoilers)

2023 fitness goals:
1. Balance my hormones ✅ — I have PCOS and I finally got my test down to normal levels!!
2. Weigh 125lbs ❌ — I got down to 131lbs at my lightest before rebounding after my personal training contract ended. I’m not even sure I liked how I looked at that weight (does anyone else suffer from hollow cheekbones after weight loss lol?) but it’s always been a goal of mine to be around 115-125lbs although I am somewhat tall. Not sure if i should just let this go or what
3. Eat at least 130g of protein daily ✅ — There were some days I came a little under but I got there
4. Hip Thrust and Squat 130lbs ✅ — Lower body is the easiest for me to increase weight with
5. Do a pull up ❌ — NOPE. The most I can do is hang there lol
6. Do a full push up ❌ — I got wall push ups if that counts….
7. 8k steps per day ✅ — I love to pace around haha so this was easier than I thought

2024 fitness goals:
1. Eat more variety and whole foods — I feel like I got very preoccupied with my protein goal and cut corners to reach it, which meant sometimes skipping out on full, nourishing meals in favor of hitting the specific number. Going forward I would rather have a much more flexible protein goal while focusing on eating healthy, whole foods.
2. Pilates 2x per week — I’ve really started to love it, and it helps to be a regular at some spot. Not sure how long I’d like to keep up this frequency but at this time this is the plan!
3. Lifting 2-3x per week — I think i’ve fallen out of love with weights lately, and I am not a huge fan of the muscle I built in my legs and biceps (although I’ve always loved it on other women?? make it make sense 😭) so I am dialing it back a little. For reference I used to lift like 4-6x a week before because I loved it so much!
4. Lose weight maybe??? — I can’t figure out if i want to return to my lowest weight from last year or just maintain where Im at. I flip between loving my shape and other times feeling like I’m falling short. ugh
@nathan2018 2023 goals were:
  • run 500 miles - ended the year with 793!
  • run a sub-2-hour half marathon - ran two!
  • maintain a 2 plate deadlift, 175/185ish squat, bench/OHP - did all that and actually increased OHP!
  • I also finally improved my relationship with food. I went the entire year without tracking (thanks to getting a good therapist in December 2022). this is major because I was borderline addicted to tracking and had completely fallen out of tune with my natural hunger cues
  • also started a side quest of pole dance/lyra and got obsessed with increasing my flexibility in the process. I think pole and lyra are also the real reason my overhead press increased lol
2024 goals:
- Do sub-4 hour marathon (currently 7 weeks into training!)
- 1000 miles
- get an invert in pole
- get a split
- ramp down on running after my marathon and focus on powerlifting, and do a meet again at the end of the year
- improve body composition and eating choices WITHOUT tracking (this may actually be my hardest goal for this year)
@nathan2018 I did NOT meet any of my fitness goals last year but I was going through some personal transformations and I’m ready to meet some new goals!

I’m not setting benchmark goals this year. My goals are more “see what happens”


•gym workouts 3 times a week. Open to more as the year progresses but starting with three

•spin once a week

•yoga semi-regularly (minimum once every two weeks)

•continue with intermittent fasting and tracking my macros

Side Quest:
see how many miles I walk outside. I started walking outside last year. It’s not a priority but it’s good for my mental health so I’m interested to see how far I walk. I go for walks if I have extra time before work, at lunchtime when the trails are open for the season, and after work if the sun is up. But there can be extreme heat or extreme cold so I’m not pressuring myself with a habit or benchmark to hit.

I don’t want to put any pressure on myself this year to meet a goal and I don’t want to give myself the mindset of “there’s still enough time!”
@nathan2018 2023: I didn't set any goals, but I did complete 2 epic mountain bike rides, and climbed 2 (Class 2) Mountains! I also went on 2 amazing vacations (that were active). Towards the end of the year: I am actively recovering from surgery, and have been working on my mental health. I also changed jobs in late 2022, and was constantly reminded of what a good move that was.

2024: My 2024 mantra is going to be: "I will do things TODAY, that will make me feel great tomorrow." (No more procrastination, no more "starting tomorrow." I read something that said: Having an all-or-nothing mentality, means that you are planning on eventually giving in... There's an excuse in that "nothing" part of that saying. It's like saying, right now you're "all in", with a plan to eventually be "all out." And I want to stop that cycle.)


#1: My number one goal is to create, and maintain a MORNING ROUTINE!! Woo hoo. This is a goal I'm excited about! I LOVE routine. I love accomplishing things first thing in the morning. That said, I have a routine planned out, and will do it for at least Monday thru Friday on days I work. Maybe I'll push it into my weekends over time. I am excited for it though, as it has a simple 3 things, but also all of my favorite things in it!

#2: Complete 3 (larger/longer) hikes.

#3: Read one book a month.

#4: Become licensed in my profession.
@guitar1991 Thanks! My morning routine (goal) will be:
  1. workout/get some movement in first thing in the morning (for about 45-60 minutes, even it's only walking and/or PT stuff).
  2. Get showered, dressed and ready for the day (since I work from home, sometimes this doesn't happen until noon! haha)
  3. Journal and relax/meditate/breathe work before I start my job... (I'm hoping to get at least 30 minutes here before 8am) (I realized over the past year that I need to work on dealing with my stress, or it will wipe me out)
During this routine, I also plan on staying off my phone until it's completed. :) (I've gotten pretty bad at wasting literally an hour every morning on FB and Instagram)
@nathan2018 I had no goals in 2023 and it shows.

I’m understanding about myself that I am a great STUDENT of fitness but that taking in nonstop information - much of it conflicting - has led to several years of analysis paralysis and me not being consistent.

So. I’m taking it back to what feels right for me. Plant based (with SOME animal protein) and running.

Every bone in my body wants this path. Every thought in my head is “no!!!! Lifting and protein!!!!
Especially at your age!!!!”

Hoping to someday find a balance but for 2024 I just need to do SOMEthing and stop overthinking it. So I’m doing what I know feels right and easy for me to approach and maintain.
@nathan2018 Fitness wise 2023 was kind of trash lol. I don't believe I PRd anything except accidentally my bench press (135# from 130). My original goals were lots of crossfit skills/gymnastics/etc and I have not accomplished any, if anything I have lost significant strength/ability there. I attempted to pick up running again just to hurt myself, but I'm back at it now after spending time in PT. It's been an odd year. That said I was taking time to explore new hobbies, got deeper into horseback riding and found a great barn with great people.

All the learning from 2023 had me taking big steps back goal wise and re-prioritizing what is important to me. Overall fitness, meaning being fit enough to do the things I enjoy doing, and that it is ok to let things slide if they aren't bringing joy.

So for 2024:
  • Spring half marathon- training plan starts today! I've used the last 2 months for base building and to make sure my body is ready to start adding volume.
  • Summer horse show series- my barn team does local schooling shows, so nothing fancy or large, but it's something I never had the time or opportunity to do growing up and something I would like to experience. My goals are simply to participate, anything above that is gravy.
  • Eat better- meal prep more routinely especially for weekdays. Helping to drop a few lbs in a manageable way
  • Get married- summer 2024. I'm not doing a drastic diet/cut for a dress but I do want to drop a little bit so I feel my best
  • Read More- I read 15 books in 2023 (16 with one I dropped). The goal this year is 20+
@nathan2018 I'm pretty happy with the gains I made in 2023.

Feb 2023 - Jan 2024 Progress

Squats - 30lbs → 225lbs

Bench Press - 35lbs → 130lbs

Deadlifts - 45lbs → 240lbs

I surprised myself a few weeks ago with 10 pushups, didn't know I was capable of doing even 1.

I think I can already bench 135lbs, considering my PR (+volume PR lol) a few days ago was 1x2 130lbs bench.

2024 goals
  • Do my first meet. I forced myself to sign up yesterday! I want to cut a little bit because I think my bw class would fall along w/ this one girl at my gym, and she is strong AF.
  • Hit 300lbs squats and deadlifts, which is coming along nicely.
  • Work my way up to chin-ups! I was working on this last year but stopped completely, I need to get new bands.
  • Incorporate OHP again - it's not in my current program at my barbell gym, but it's something I want to continue. I think I can do 80lbs minimum if I can still do 75lbs 1x3. I need to nag my boyfriend for us to get microplates so I can do it at home!
  • Be less sloppy/lazy with accessories. I used to go hard, but now that I have a partner, I just want to go hoooooooomeeeee asaaaaaap whenever I'm at the gym.
@nathan2018 2023 goals

Run half - had to pull out as my life completely imploded

Tough mudder - done!

80kg deadlift - smashed

70kg squat - smashed

50kg bench - smashed


100kg deadlift

90kg squat

60kg bench

50kg snatch

60kg clean and jerk

Enter a weightlifting competition

Run half

Total warrior

Concentrate on your darn mobility!

Ive fallen in love with fitness this year and repaired my relationship with food. Its so lush. Can't wait to see what I can achieve this year!
@nathan2018 2023 fitness goals:
  • Get my squat PR to 150lbs - accomplished this and then immediately strained my quad and haven't done heavy squats since hahahahahhahahaha
  • Get my deadlift PR to 150lbs for more than one rep - I put this one as iffy. I got it to like, 3 VERY broken reps so that ~technically~ counts but wasn't meeting the spirit of what I had intended IMO.
  • Get my hip thrust PR to 175lbs - lolol nope.
  • Average 4k steps/day - I live in an area where walking is rather challenging outside of indoor settings...I think I actually DID accomplish this goal if I counted my walking at work but I don't have my phone with me all day so my iPhone says no lol
  • Exercise at least 2x/week > 40 weeks of the year - yep, accomplished this
  • Get my weight consistently below X lbs - lololol nope.
  • Eat less sugar - bahahahaa I admire my good thoughts.
Overall for 2023, I learned that I missed cardio and was becoming increasingly unhappy with how I felt in my body (too bulky for my personal feelings). So I bought a Peloton and spent all of December leaning into 'I'm too lazy to go to the actual gym and deal with rude, obnoxious people' and just spinning instead. I do miss lifting somewhat so I'll probably work that back in, but I want to be more balanced.

2024 goals:
  • Get my squat PR to 175lbs
  • Same deadlift goal
  • Average 4500 steps/day
  • Peloton weekly streak of at least 25 weeks
  • Hit Peloton activity level of at least 3000 minutes
  • Exercise at least 2x/week > 40 weeks of the year
@kalijasmine7 Honestly that sums up exactly why I love my peloton. Some days I want to go to the gym, see people and be social but there's plenty of days I simply need to be alone and the peloton is fantastic for getting a solid workout at home
@nathan2018 2024 is the year of me exercising more intuitively and gently, to build a more solid foundation for my body and future. Then I can start to introduce weights. I have tried the weights based programs and always end up injuring myself.

I am working with a physical therapist, and also a remedial massage therapist to help keep me injury free. I am going back to Pilates and yoga, and doing more walking.

Fingers crossed this all helps me build a stronger, more mobile, less injury prone body.
@nathan2018 I started out 2023 with no fitness goals and a vague wish to “lose fat.” I chose to start with weightlifting because I knew my sedentary lifestyle was catching up to me (back pain, random muscle spasms, easily out of breath) and I had enjoyed doing it for a few months before the pandemic started in 2020.

I ended up going 2-4 times a week consistently in 2023. I learned to focus less on outcomes and enjoy the process (getting stronger, showing up for myself, and being patient with myself). In 2024, I want to continue to lift 3 times a week, learn about nutrition and start to cook more, and try new ways to move my body (pole, yoga, dance?). I also want to work on my glutes and back muscles!
@nathan2018 I really enjoyed reading everyone's goals and how they faired in 2023. I hope that it's a healthy and happy year for everyone!

My goals for 2023 were really just staying consistent. But as written they were: Bench 140, 150 cardio minutes a week, 30 zone minutes daily, at least 6 days a week, reach for a million steps a month and get a strict pull-up unassisted. I lost some strength with back to back surgeries and downtime so my bench is now (feels like starting over) at 90. But I did hit 150 mid-summer. I can do about 10 pullups and chinups in a set now unassisted. I also only missed a million steps in February. I also am really proud of my consistency when it came to my nightly routine of yoga/mobility work and meditation. I feel like this has helped my quality of life quite a bit.

My goals are to regain some of the weight I lost and hopefully regain my strength with it. Stay consistent (particularly with mobility and functional strength)but try some new group classes. I'd also like to do some fun runs and 5Ks.
@nathan2018 I've been rehabbing a knee injury since August. I changed my focus from running to movement during recovery and can confidently say I'm stronger than I was pre-injury. Being mindful to slowly build up my base fitness through the winter so I can get back to long trail runs, climb in the canyon, and keep doing yoga with my dog.