@cybernetic Well yeah. People talking about bench press usually refer that to barbell bench press.
Have you ever gotten any feedback on your form, maybe posted a form check? If you really have everything in check, you don't have any health problems, there might not be much more than shitty genetics to it.
Nevertheless, how is your effort? Training to certain RPE can leave people spinning their wheels because you just randomly stop your set when it gets hard. How is your program looking? We really don't know anything about your training besides your claim, that your volume is "good". You might need more, you might need less. How often do you train? etc. etc.
edit: Saw that you go 5 days a week and do 7 sets of chest a week. Is it a bro split? How often you train chest specifically? If you were progressing well, 7 might be enough but judging by the fact that you are stuck on 22kg dumbbell press, do more.
Also 0 or 1 rep progression a week is pretty big difference. With one you are plateaued, with the other it's what you would expect for a week to week progression.