Nutritionist + working out = gaining weight, no results?


New member

I know it's not much time, but I've been on a diet for 1 month given by my nutritionist, as I have IBS and I'd like to lose a bit of weight (3-6kg).

I work out 5 days a week at home (some days yoga 60mins, other days 30mins HIIT, other days biking 1h at 28km/h) and I'm not usually a person that works out.

It's winter here, and my house is kinda cold (17° Celsius I'd say?).

Instead of losing weight, or flattening my bloated belly, I gained 3-5kg and my belly is still fairly rounded :D

I do feel better and I see tiiiiiny tiny progresses in my yoga practice and strength, but how is it that I'm gaining weight?

Is it because of the cold (storing fat?) or is the metabolism adjusting itself? What's going on?

Thanks for shedding some light :D
@reneaz I mean if youre not losing weight youre 99% of the time not in a deficit

I wanted to share an image but I cant on a comment so do u mind sending me a message.

its the most genius thing about losing weight ive EVER seen

DW no creepy stuff
@ameedee87 Will DM you now!
I was also reading online it’s normal to gain weight when you start working out and after a couple of months it should start having you losing instead of gaining weight.
@eyore I think I'm not in deficit, but where I should be (1400kcal per day — I'm 158cm, so tiny). Maybe SLIGHTLY less, to lose kilos.

For now, the nutritionist is helping me understand what causes my bloated belly. With a low FODMAP diet we removed a bunch of stuff for a month, and next week I'll see her again to decide on how to proceed.

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