Of all the places I have looked for self love, I had no idea I would find it at the gym

@dawn16 I totally get where you are! For me, I was able to become more comfortable by working out with a friend who could show me the ropes and give me tips on form, and using the BodySpace app for guided workouts and videos on how to do everything.
@dawn16 I just started lifting for the second time and have found that the Strong Lifts 5x5 app is super easy and digestible for a beginner! It keeps track of your weights, your reps, your time in between sets, and it has a video with all the proper forms for the movements.

I even told my weightlifting brother about it and he downloaded it too because he was wanting to do a 5x5 (but he’s adding accessory lifts in for vanity)!
@dawn16 So for me I ended up joining a gym that was smaller with tailored workouts led by trainers. I went to the same class and got to know others who went.
While small gyms like that aren't available every where, I think some of aspects of what helped me there can be achieved without that. Going to list some of the things that helped
  1. I didn't start out doing all the things I can do today. I started with much easier work outs. I can post some of these in a bit. But bottom line I started small. Im
  2. Setting small goals helps too, it wasn't realistic for me at first to say I am going to radically change how I eat, I am going to hit the gym 7 days a week. Set a goal of something small and achievable. Even if its just a 30 minute walk. Or buying dumbbells and committing to finding one excercise you can do a week. You can always bump that up. But for me starting with too high a goal was a recipe for failure.
  3. Accountability helped me a lot. While I got that by attending a regular gym class, you can find that with a friend or fellow redditor. If you ever want a reddit accountability buddy I would be glad to help. In my experiece sharing your goals with someone else makes it easier to want to accomplish them. Its also nice to talk through roadblocks and hurdles.
  4. Reframing my thinking and celebrating small victories. Hey I made it to the gym once on a busy week instead of why didn't I go more this week. One time I missed a whole month and the anxiety of going back was intense. But instead of thinking I am huge fuck up that can't ever finish anything, I reminded myself I can go tomorrow and missing it doesn't mean everything is ruined. Maybe I needed the break.
It seems like this sub has resources on getting started but these are some of the mental hurdles I crossed to get started.

You can do this! Even if you don't believe it right, I hope you know that I believe it.
@dawn16 Hey, not op but I'd recommend checking out the sidebar for the FAQ which has tons of great info including beginner programs like strong curves and strong lifts. It can also be helpful (from both a getting there and a feeling lost perspective) to watch some form videos on YouTube and then get a few sessions with a personal trainer at the beginning who can help you get the form down and help you feel more comfortable in that part of the gym.
@24korange I feel you! It is especially hard at first, before you start feeling the results. But once you do, they are so worth it! I used to struggle daily tasks like carrying heavy grocery bags; now they’re no problem! It feels great no longer dealing with issues I thought were just “normal” due to my small size. Also, I no longer have back pain after sleeping/carrying my boobs upright all day :D Stick it out 3x a week for 3 months, and you may just fall in love with it!
@24korange YOU CAN DO THIS! Getting started can seem overwhelming and honestly for me was the hardest part. Sticking with it until I saw progress also wasn't easy, but all of it was 100% worth the shift in perspective. In retrospect the amount of time I felt anxious, out of place etc. is so negligible in the span of my life. The other side of it is so empowering and rewarding. You got this!
@faithofachristian It wasn't overnight for me, and honestly wasn't something I thought possible. I couldn't imagine a scenario where I loved my body, it just sort of seemed like it would always be that I hated it. But I just kept showing up and I don't know when or how it happened but it did. I believe that you can get to that same place. Your body is beautiful, strong, and capable of magic too ❤️ It is so much more than the number on the scale.
@bill01 I know exactly how you feel.
Especially as someone struggling with disordered eating and body image, going to the gym in order to get stronger, not skinnier, has made all the difference. No binge can change my progress at gym, which gives me a feeling of power I desperately need.

I fucking love lifting heavy stuff and I am thankful and happy for everyone who shares that
@paloma22 “No binge can change my progress at gym, which gives me a feeling of power I desperately need.”

Wow, you pointed something out that I’ve never been able to verbalize. This is so powerful, that’s why I’m still going to the gym while dealing with my ongoing food/body image issues.
@bill01 I feel like I wrote this!

Almost 2 years ago I was at my heaviest. My dad suddenly passed away and I suffered through a lot of anxiety and depression. Food was my escape.

The anxiety was so bad, but one day I decided to go back to the gym and I realized I felt good during those couple hours and for a little bit after. So I kept going back. The workouts got more intense. I started falling in love with the gym and how it made me feel.

Then I realized I was starting to look better! Ahh so many perks.

My anxiety is still really bad, but the gym helps. I feel more confident about myself and I want to keep going so I can feel and look better. I love my gym and I moved last year but I keep going back to my regular gym because I feel comfortable and it’s one of the better gyms where I live. The commute sucks, but it’s on my way from work so it works out!

Thanks for this post because there are some days where I want to give up. The anxiety sometimes doesn’t escape me. There are days where I feel fat and unattractive so I want to give up. But overall the gym has brought peace to me so your post is a great reminder that I should keep it up!
@stormcloud1987 I love hearing how it helps with your anxiety. I wish I had known before how many other areas of my life would be impacted if I pushed through the discomfort of going and getting started.

Keep up the great work, you got this!!!!
@stormcloud1987 I really feel this. My anxiety was bad this morning even as I stepped into the gym. But going to the gym is seriously almost like medicine for me. I feel so stable and smooth in my mind for hours afterward. You articulated this so wonderfully, and I feel the exact same way. Keep going, friend!
@bill01 I'm still working on the self love bit as I continue to lose weight, and this was a nice read. There's hope for me yet! 😅 Thank you for sharing!