OFFICIAL RR UPDATE: New Year's New Routine(s)! --- (Coming Up in 2 Weeks: a Total Beginner's Community Exercise Event! ) ---

@dontdosadness i love this! but I notice there isn't a path for people that want to learn the cool tricks but also care about strong legs. I enjoy the well roundedness of RR, but I want to dive into this since I am relatively new 😅 When I get past BWF Foundations(admittedly might take a few more months), will i have to do both the GST Specialization and BWF/Gym hybrid to get the results I want? Or am i misunderstanding something with how this works lmao
@dontdosadness This is really exciting - thank you to our wonderful bwf mods and all of the experienced people who take the time to help out new practitioners like myself. I’ve been following the RR for about six months and it has been extremely positive for me. Can’t wait to see what you all have planned!
@dontdosadness I’m so excited for this! I’m still within the bounds of the RR, but having a clearly defined progression sequence is awesome! I just have no idea which progression I’ll follow yet...
@dontdosadness Fuck I'm excited. So excited.

Nick bro you're going to make me buff in 2021 yes?

Can you also tell me what to eat? I'm a junk food vegan and just east shite all fucking day.

I keep the weight off by running 4 miles a day...

Anyway.. I made major progress last year sorting out my running habits and losing 20 pounds and next years its diet and muscle..

Let's go team.
@dontdosadness thanks dude!

im just cutting out the shit and cramming in the veg and beans.

In march im moving house and setting up a home gym as well so hoping that the January RR will get me in the right mindset to push on at march when i move
@dontdosadness I love this idea, since i have just joined this sub about a week ago and have no clue where to start. Thanks man! is there a specific time that these events will be taking place?
@dontdosadness This looks great. I've learned a ton here, but never quite taken up the RR because it has a fairly steep entry curve. I do most of the exercises spread out over a week, but actually developing a fixed "workout" has eluded me.
@dontdosadness Would you consider adding supplemental modules for tailoring to newbie's priorities? Something like add X and replace Y with Z if your primary goal is better posture / better endurance / bulking vs toning etc.
@dontdosadness I like that there is one for gymnastics tricks because I recently got a pair of gymnastic rings and want to learn to do cool stuff on them.

Unfortunately, I can't do more than one pull-up, but I will get there.

This gives a clear goal and path, so that's great!

Step 1: BWF Primer Routine

Step 2: GST Specialisation Routine
@dawn16 Glad you're excited!

However, it would look more like:

Step 1: BWF Primer

Step 2: BWF Foundational Strength

Step 3: GST Specialisation

Can't skip straight to the GST unfortunately!