OFFICIAL RR UPDATE: New Year's New Routine(s)! --- (Coming Up in 2 Weeks: a Total Beginner's Community Exercise Event! ) ---

@dontdosadness This is awesome news!!! I’m excited to start with this community on Jan.1

Will the progressions and such evolve throughout the year? Is this the over arching plan, or is this beginner program going to be tailored to a new RR?
@dontdosadness At last, the mods listened. Wow! I was going to start the Move routine since RR is too much for me. Now I will wait for the primer.

Another suggestion, since, everything will be overhauled, can you add post flairs? It will be easier to surf and search through posts.
@dontdosadness I think this will be great for beginners to cut down on the reading and get exercising (hopefully but it still sounds like quite a bit of reading). May I also recommend to assume they know nothing about it so try to use the simplest terms possible and no abbreviations.