Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

@waggles And ur absolutely right! This morning I had protein yogurt with granola and it helped ALOT. I think my approach is a little too much and then throughout the day I deny myself so much I just binge. Thank you
@krae991 I feel like your body is craving due to the restriction it experienced beforehand, which you may already know. I would work on trying to make a more balanced diet and work with a dietitian if you can so you can have the fats and sugars you are craving more regularly in each meal you have instead of in one sitting and so you feel more satiated afterwards.
@starlightkat Would love to see a dietician just don't have insurance however!!! Alot of people were telling me to start tracking food and so doing this might help till I can get to one, thank u :) and ur right my diet solely focuses on protein.
@krae991 This might sound silly but maybe you could try chewing gum at work every time you feel like snacking on the yummy goodies there. It might help distract you and hopefully create a new habit that replaces the snacking.

You could also bring some healthy snacks to work like baby carrots or almonds or yogurt. They’re not that exciting but it might curb your appetite to have something else to eat when the snacks are present.

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