Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

@markdavidverghese The fastes to warm meals i make was eggs or oatmeal. Both still took me 15min+

Whenever i start cutting veggies i stand 30min in the kitchen. Reward and effort is a bit of the scale for me, if i could just have fresh whole grain bread, some paste/hummus, cucumber and topping in 2mins. that lazy.. xd
@hannibal1994 Soba noodles are my go-to when I need a filling meal in under 10 minutes, pretty sure they are low glycemic. Chickpea pasta is another good one for decent protein. Can you boil noodles and throw in a vegetable?

As far as the oats, if you were doing plain rolled oats that gives me blood sugar spikes as well, but I combine them with other high fiber foods like buckwheat groats or seeds like chia, flax, sunflower, pumpkin, etc. Steel cut oats are great for leveling out the sugar spike but take much longer to cook.
@bible4ang Hmm could try some sobah noodles with frozen veggies + tofu dices, thanks for the idea!

What sauce would you recommend?

Already did that (had oats as breakfast for 3 years), but it was always somwhat heavy on the stomache.
@hannibal1994 I like lighter sauces with soba, so last night I did 1 tbsp of miso paste with 2 tbsps rice vinegar and a dash of tamari. Pretty much any hot sauce with rice vinegar is great too! Sounds like oats just don't agree with you then. The more you know! Best wishes for you. 😊
@hannibal1994 Any reason you don't want to try vegan meats? There's so many great options like beyond, veggies sausages, veggie chick'n, etc. Tofu is great too, yeah you should adapt to it. Nuts seeds peanut butter soy milk etc is all great too.
@celticpiping oh i tried them all! i love them, some are better than the real stuff.

i just cant pay 4€ for 35g of protein every day. salmon (which is already luxury food in my opinion and an important omega3 source) is almost half as expensive and by switching to vegan i need my salmon money for algea oil.

yeah but i dont think i should eat more than 200g tofu per day. variety yadayada

i'll try some oat+quinoa and let it soak over night, lentils and have meal prep via 1 cooking for a week

still missing some inspiration for smoothie protein that isnt only powder + some walnuts :D

the problem is that it is all so filling in volume, i get digestive problems and and i don't know how i gonna handle it when i do something like a cardio cycle i burn up to 4000 kcal per day, well will just try again and see how it goes
@hannibal1994 Not to get all preachy but the ONLY way to maintain a vegan diet is to do it for more than a diet. Veganism is not a diet and thinking of it as one is going to harm you.

People will “fail” most diets attempted and long term vegans recognize this with so many “exvegans” who were just doing a plant based diet rather than embracing veganism.

So let’s reframe your mindset: without mentioning health or food, why do you want to be vegan?

This is even more important because of your history of an ED. If you see veganism as a diet you are already falling into the trap of disordered eating again. There is a reason why people with EDs are told to not diet.