Please reassure me my home gym isn’t dumb

@evachristine Why would it be dumb? I have a home gym that I’ve invested a lot of time and money into as well and I would not want it any other way! I’m proud of it, if anything (and you should be, too!)
@evachristine Having a home gym is the best! I created one after covid started and never looked back since I WFH full time now. I have a peloton, tread and weights and even a set of gym towels. It’s the best! No commute or waiting for machines. I can wear what I want, and I can wear my aluminum free deodorant now because I don’t have to worry about being smelly around others.😭 I absolutely love it!
@evachristine I absolutely love my garage home gym! People have hobbies of all kinds- mine happens to be lifting weights. It enriches my life in so many ways and I am able to be way more consistent than if I had to wait to make a trip to the gym. I’m part of several online fitness communities and everyone in those circles is impressed by my setup. This is just another example of people who don’t prioritize health or fitness trying to project their insecurities onto you. People collect action figures, art, all kinds of things- I collect workout equipment…and I’m not at all embarrassed or sorry about it.
@evachristine I am super envious of anyone with a home gym! Working out at home is so efficient. You get to blast your own music, save gas, not sit through traffic, not have to wait for someone to finish on the machines. I wish I had the space in my house for it
@evachristine I've had a gym membership and a boot camp membership and I canceled both because I just prefer to work out at home. Honestly I've had the best results working out at home. I just want to do my own thing, not be approached, not have to wait for machines, I don't want to talk to anyone... it works really well for me. I just have a little foldable treadmill and some free weights ans really that's all I need! Not dumb at all.
@evachristine You shouldn’t be embarrassed!! I go to the gym regularly but would much rather have a home gym if I had the money or space for one. A home gym is such a benefit for so many people because it saves time and is so much more convenience. Nothing to be ashamed of!
@evachristine The fact that you even have a home gym and have everything you need right at home is absolutely amazing. Not only do you not have anything to be embarrassed about but you should be so so proud and happy for making this happen for yourself.
@evachristine that’s an awesome home gym!! my “home gym” consists of a few sets of dumbbells and a walking pad— i’m convinced i would never skip a workout if i had the space/money for a setup like yours. whatever works for you is the best setup imo ur coworker can suck it
@evachristine I L O V E my home gym!! I "only" have a set of Bowflex adjustable weights, a mat and some resistance bands. I haven't set foot in a gym in years, yet I workout 6 - 7 days a week. I'm lean and have high cardio endurance. I know folks who go to the gym who complain because I'm too speedy for them, or ask "how are you not out of breath right now??"

Size doesn't matter, it's your effort.
@evachristine I'm late to the party here, but just wanted to share some thoughts, FWIW...

It sounds like you've got a fantastic setup for staying fit and maintaining your health right in the comfort of your own home. I can relate to that preference! The majority of my workouts--even though I usually love the gym atmosphere--have shifted to using my own equipment at home. I find it more familiar, comfortable, independent, and convenient. Plus, I don't have to wait around to use equipment or weights, which lets me get an even more intense workout.

It's important to recognize that any modality of self-care, growth, or self-improvement, like your home gym, deserves nothing but encouragement, praise, and a sense of fulfillment. When those self-critical voices or doubts creep in, remember the acronym FEAR: "False Evidence Appearing Real." It's a useful way to remind yourself that these negative thoughts are not reflections of reality.

Your home gym setup sounds effective and personalized, and more than anything, it seems you're happy with it, and that’s what truly matters. Embrace that which brings you joy. Not everyone thrives in a public gym environment, and that’s okay. Embrace your unique fitness journey and the progress you’ve made. Keep focusing on what makes you feel good and helps you grow. You're not alone in preferring a home workout environment, and many find it a preferable way to stay fit without the social pressures or inconveniences of a public gym. Be your best version of YOU.
@evachristine WTF is wrong with you your momma should’ve taught you about bragging, obviously no one has ever thought a home gym is weird it’s the ultimate luxury and I would kill for one UGH

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