Possible FAQ videos: Swings


New member
I am going to start with swings. After watching many videos, these are the ones I think have potential. We can either like these or suggest some others. We can then vote on them, then put them into the FAQ.

Kettlebell FAQ: Instructionsal videos (vote)
@semisilas Cotter has a better video on swings, but it is more toward depth. But I see a lot of questions on depth so it might be relevant, video.

Another great resource that I just stumbled upon recently is a video from Dr. Mark Cheng His whole video album is great.

Another interesting one, but kind of incomplete, is this one from dan john. It really helps with a lot of the movement problems people have with the swing, but it doesn't go through the entirety of the movement. Plus it is kind of on the longer side.
Why I liked video 1. The guy explains the swing well (with the exception of head placement, still trying to figure it out). The placement of the bell at the beginning. What to look for and what not to do. he doesnt get over complicated in the video. He keeps his explanations basic.

video 2: This women does a great explanation of the hip snap. You can see it clearly.

video 3: He does a good job at explaining the swing. Video 4: This is just another take on the kb swing. Good explanation. video 5: Good explanation of a double db swing.

I believe if you watch all those videos you will have a better understanding of how to swing your kettlebell or double kb.

I am looking to see if you all agree with this. Do you like all the videos? Do you not like a few? Which ones are the best? or do you have one you think is better at explaining the swing? I am looking for input. I watched 25+ swing videos that i thought had potential. I narrowed it down to these 5. Beleiveing if you watched these 5 videos you would have a better understanding on how to do the swing.

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