Post workout help


New member
Hi all, I’m hoping to receive some insight and help.
I’m 38 F, have been working out for years, off late though about less than a year after I workout I get a bad cold and a terrible soar throat!
The last week it’s been so bad I lost my voice for a good 3 odd days and had a swollen and itchy throat.
I live in Singapore, letting y’all know this just in case you have any recommendations or remedies from here?
I take vitamin c regularly .
My workout routine would be 30-40 mins treadmill and then 3-5 kg weights or freehand workouts.
Last evening I did an outdoor 9km walk , nothing too strenuous but since the weather was way too humid I was sweating profusely, this morning and tonight again my throat is acting up.
I don’t drink cold stuff for the fear of falling ill all over again, but I do sleep in the aircon @ 22degrees every night.
What am I doing wrong, I’m absolutely frustrated at how I’m ageing!
Do I just carryon despise the illness? Is it temporary?
Exercising keeps me happy and active.
How do I sort this?
Any advice/ suggestions are welcome.
Thank you.
@jaery56 If this happens more when you work out outside, you could be experiencing allergies or a reaction to air pollution. I'd try taking an antihistamine to see if that helps (take it every day for a week, and find one that doesn't give you side effects).

Also, I know that some people are strep carriers, so you might want to make sure you haven't been battling something like strep throat either.

Good luck! I hope you feel better!
@jaery56 I would go to an allergist and have them do a panel test on you to see if there's something in the environment causing this. It could be local flora, it could be moldy HVAC, it could be almost anything.

Also, when deciding whether or not to workout, the rule of thumb is if it is limited to symptoms above the neck, you're ok to workout. If you have any symptoms that are impacting your body (chills, fever, aching) then you need to stay home.

Feel better!
@jaery56 I live in Singapore too. It's so hot and humid here, we have to be really careful exercising outside. I nearly got heat exhaustion a couple of weeks ago. Your AC is also too cool, no need for it to be 22. Try 25 and don't have it blasting cold air, turn the speed down. Also get your AC cleaned, they're a large source of illness here.
@hidowu Agree with AC’s being a source of germs, so true!
Actually I don’t dare exercise outdoors here, it apparently takes years getting use to! My body heats up so baldly . We recently bought a treadmill home and I use it from time to time but I’m guessing the condo gym is best suited for my body cause the excess sweating causes me to get a soar throat due to cooling down I guess
I’m currently seeing a TCM doctor, wish me luck!
@jaery56 Window unit in your bedroom? Hit it with some Lysol like once a week. Smells decent and if you do it regularly it helps prevent any building up.

Also, in US and did a double take at your sleeping temp. After the math we're similar temps. Could also try some benedryl or non drowsy allergy meds in the short term to see if it helps alleviate the symptoms. I say this as someone that has terrible seasonal allergies. I rotate different allergy meds cause they seem to work for a while then fade off. Except benedryl but that shit will put you to sleep if you get too comfy.
@jaery56 if a cold and or a soar throat is keeping you out of the gym you need to see a doctor immediately as that would never ever keep me out of the gym...maybe you have something more serious that is presenting with those symptoms.
@jaery56 Could possibly be reflux. Stomach acid can wash all the way up to the throat and cause sore throat/runny nose. This can occur even without the 'heartburn' or indigestion feeling. It is not uncommonly made worse by exercise or lying down too soon after meals/lying down in the gym to do exercises - especially if you are drinking water during your workout or have eaten right before it.
Mention it to your doctor!
@jaery56 No dairy. Dairy raises mucous production (resulting in cough and colds). It’s why most babies hav runny noses even when not sick, and why singers avoid dairy pre-concert. Also try to raise temp to maybe 24-28C.