Progress— size 14 to size 4, 197 pounds to 130

@christianmormon So I have one question for you.
Do you have a problem with loose skin?
I'm starting out around the same weight and a lot of people have told me I will.

Edit: Words are hard.
@dawn16 I don’t. I was really really worried about that too but I did it slow and steady, plus the strength part of the kettle bell helps I think. And a ton of moisturizer. So much moisturizer.
@christianmormon OP, you have a beautiful soul and are so very strong! Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. I desperately needed your post today and appreciate you so very much. Congrats on your lifestyle health!
@christianmormon First, congrats on your success! You rocked it.

Also, your approach really resonates with me, more than the usual posts here (which are usually great, don't get me wrong), so I'm truly inspired by this post and am saving it for frequent future reference. I especially like your point about how we talk to ourselves. I struggle with that all the time, and I know when I manage to turn off my inner mean girl, I feel a lot better. Thank you for reminding me about that.

(And I love kettlebells and hard-boiled eggs too! Hard-boiled eggs are the best snack ever.)
@christianmormon This post is so motivating! I love your outlook. I struggle with an all-or-nothing mentality, so if I "only" have 20 minutes to exercise or if I already "blew it" with a meal I just stop trying. But everything you do for yourself counts!
@christianmormon You're amazing. Glad you said you didn't diet but made significant lifestyle changes. I'm going to take your advice about not talking shit to myself and I'll revisit this post when I have a bad day. Congratulations by the way!
@christianmormon Not a woman but what you said about changing how you spoke to yourself really resonates with me. We tell ourselves nasty things that we’d never dream of saying to another person. I think that’s relevant for anybody working on any type of self-improvement. Congrats on your success!
@christianmormon This is the first progress picture I’ve ever clicked on because I generally find them triggering at best, frustrating at worst. I struggled for over three decades with disordered eating, and am finally in a good head space (thanks, CrossFit!) despite being fat. Your “I didn’t diet at all” comment sucked me in.

All of that to say: man, I’m proud of you and your outlook. Congratulations - not on the weight loss, but on doing it in a comprehensively healthy way without giving in to the scale or obsession with looks.