Progress— size 14 to size 4, 197 pounds to 130

@christianmormon I am you, at the beginning of your journey, plus a few more pesky pounds (hovering around 201#). Thank you so much for sharing your process and mental adjustments. I'm so hard on myself mentally, but never thought about it having an impact on the physical effort. I'm actually planning on starting C25K this week, so thanks for the extra motivation!
@meliz I just finished C25K. If you haven't already, check out the subreddit /r/C25K for motivation as you go through the program. Good luck!
@meliz It was literally this subreddit that got me going for real this time!! I can remember the specific post even! She went from 300 down to 150 and talked about how her first mile was 17 minutes, and that she went from a frapp habit to black coffee and now physically cannot stand the taste of all that sugar.

Good luck! And have fun!! Because after a while it does get pretty enjoyable!! I promise!
@christianmormon Just so you know, you are the reason I started logging food into MFP and did 35 minutes on my elliptical today. We are about the same starting weight/ size (I'm 212 @ 5'2) and I want to get down to your weight now. Thank you for being the kick in the ass that I needed. Your post made me realize that I don't have to miss out on foods that I love just because I don't want to be unhealthy anymore, I just don't need handfuls of them. I appreciate you posting this so much!!!
@christianmormon I can't wait to run again! My best friend and I ran a half marathon together a few years ago, but then I moved and we haven't been able to synch our schedules for training again. It's going to be ugly for a while, but I'm determined to get back to it this time. Thanks for the encouragement!
@ezra21 I had an eating disorder in high school (bulimia) that left me very thin but not at all healthy looking. My skin hung in sags and my face looked kind of hallow.

My goal from the get go this time was to be healthy. I literally wanted people to look at me think I looked healthy. I just want to look like I take good care of myself.

Loose skin was one of my fears so losing weight too fast scared me. I did it slow and steady though, and have no loose skin to speak of!

I am super aware of what depriving yourself of nutrients and calories can do. I had no intention of making those same mistakes again.
I feel like I should expand for people who lurk like I do. I got my healthy motivation from this specific sub but I got a lot of unhealthy motivation in high school from online too.

Depriving yourself of calories will absolutely make you lose weight. But skinny =/= healthy. You will have bags under your eyes, your skin will not glow, your hair will get brittle and fall out more. You won’t have energy and will probably be irritable. After you do lose the weight, the skin on your arms and belly and legs might drape.

Ultimately, EDs are often about control rather than being skinny. Your weight is something you can control so easily so it’s such an easy thing to fall into. So so easy.
@christianmormon Bomb progress! Loved that you stressed that mentality matters, lifestyle changes, and no deprivation (lol @ “I’m not gonna live the rest of my life not enjoying food” bc it’s true). Nailed the big picture and did what worked for you. Love it 💗
@christianmormon I don't even know you but I am so proud of you. The mentality shifts you've made are so important, and so hard to do. Being healthy should always be the goal! Way to go, keep up the good work, and keep crushing your kettlebells :)
@christianmormon This is honestly one of the most motivating posts I’ve seen here. We are not our goals. We are people who want to live long, healthy, HAPPY lives, and if you can’t be healthy and happy at the same time, you’ll never stick to it.