[PROGRESS] 1 year recommended routine [M23/6'0/~162]


New member
Lately I have seen a lot of questions asking what progress you can expect from following the recommended routine (maybe because it´s January).

So today i went through my photos and videos and realized i got some pictures of me from exactly one year ago. I downloaded the bodyweight fitness app at the end of January last year and started the recommended Routine the same day.

After taking some "after" pictures and comparing them for myself i thought: why not share them.

So here is my form right now and progress pictures compared to last year, added some clothed one as well i felt like i could see the size difference more with those.

For reference: Right now i have 163 workouts logged and if i keep up until the end of January i will hit 169 this year, or in other words one workout every 52 hours compared to one workout every 48 hours as recommended.

My starting weight last year was around 148 pounds and I am around 162 pounds right now. Half way through the year i think i should have been eating more as i was not gaining much weight and the last month and a half i overate maybe a little, I was a good bit leaner 2 month back.

[Disclaimer]: Looking at the photos i´m sure you could not tell but before i started RR i was working out in a gym for about 3 month (stopped in January last year and took the "before" pictures then) and even before going to the gym i used an app called YAYOG for quite some time but looking back now I would not call what i did then working out. I probably ate way to little back then as well and was skinnyfat ( I was not able to do one push up at ~20 years).

Routine i followed:

As i said before i still follow the plan laid out in the Bodyweight Fitness app (recommended routine) but over time i changed some elements to my own preference.

After archiving 3x8 pullups i started doing weighted pull ups.

After archiving 3x8 ring dips i started doing weighted ring dips.

After archiving 3x8 Deep Step-up i started doing pistol squads and assisted pistol squads.

Instead of Plank im doing hanging tucked leg raises.

Results so far:

I am not too crazy about skills at the moment and am focusing on gaining some more muscles first.

L-sit on floor: ~10 sec

Handstand: ~ 5 sec (only did it every workout for 2 minutes, i have got some weird elbow pain going on there)

Ring muscle up (tried it, got a good one and have not trained it further)

Ring turned out push up: ~6

Weighted pull up: ~6 with 18 pounds added (still trying to perfect form, i think i finally got it)

Weighted ring dips: 5 with 28 pound added

pistol squads: ~8 with some assistance

Tuck ice Cream Maker: 6

I hope i could give some insights, I can only recommend using the recommended routine. For me it worked out way better then going to the gym or using the YAYOG app.

Oh and i use rings for every exercise no pull up bar.
@ammo1113 Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
@richard2014 hell yeah dude this should be permanently stickied to the front page

you should really stretch your chest, you'll look a lot bigger and move better. Lie on your face in a Y and roll onto your arm, keep your shoulders depressed.
@ayleeann The proper terms are "scapulae retracted" and "scapulae depressed". If you look that up you'll find tons of useful stuff. The positioning of the shoulderblade is usually a super imporant form cue.
@richard2014 If your feet and legs were squared up in the after pics, you may want to discuss possibility of scoliosis and/or leg length discrepancy at your next doctor's visit.