[PROGRESS] 1 year recommended routine [M23/6'0/~162]

@richard2014 Great progress! I started the RR two months ago (although I did not use any app, just looked at the sub, but maybe that can change), can I ask what's your diet like ? I'm trying to improve on this side, thanks!
@inneedofhelpp Sure but i feel like i'm not completely normal in that regard haha. During the week i ended up eating mostly the same every day just becouse it's convenient for me. Breakfast: Out meals (without sugar), lunch: tuna, rice karrots, paprika olive oil, dinner toast with graind cream cheese (according to google translation) and toast with peanut butter, snacks some fruits (apple, kiwi, banana) and one protein shake. About 2600 kcal most of the year, now closer to 3000. And on weekends or when eating out i'm just looking for roughly the right balance between fars, protein and carbs and calories.
@ericamross Noticed the same effect on me tbh. Not sure if it has to with diet but my weight didn't really change considerably and neither did my body fat although I'm already quite lean.