[PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

@rickinpearland It's scary having to put more and more weight on. If you are stalling, cube is a nice program but I would make sure you do what I do to keep up your "main lift" volume. Cube has squatting once/week, dead once/week, and bench once/week. I recommend you use squat variations as deadlift assistance, and deadlift variations as squat assistance, so you're still squatting/deading 2x/week.

My assistance was, and is, based on my weaknesses. My hips and glutes are my squat weak point, so I do lying side abduction, paused squats, box squats on deadlift day, and SLDL. Your back is your main support in all the lifts, so make sure you hit up rows, assisted or regular chin/pull ups, lat pull downs, seated cable rows -- whatever you like. Train core consistently (planks, ab wheel, hanging leg raises) and don't neglect your shoulders (dumbbell press, OHP). I try to think about "hitting legs" on squat day and "hitting back" on deadlift day.

My schedule jis
  • Monday -- pull -- box squats, hanging leg raises (HLR), shrugs, some kind of row, hyperextensions
  • Wednesday -- bench -- close grip bench, kettlebell press, push ups, barbell row
  • Thursday -- squat -- band deadlifts, straight legged deadlift, lying hip abduction, good mornings... leg stuff.
  • Saturday -- "fix what sucks" -- do exercises you hate and are terrible at. I promise it will make you a better lifter. For a while this day was consumed mostly by front squats for me!
@csf This is super inspiring coming from another vegetarian! I know you said you don't take a lot of supplements, but would you mind telling me what you do take? So far I'm only using protein powder. And what do you eat? Sometimes I feel like its a struggle to get all the protein in that I need. Way to go!
@ladysaane Protein powder, usually 30-60 g of protein per day, creatine, BCAAs. That's it, really. I eat a lot of chili (I posted the recipe elsewhere in the thread, Ctrl+F chili) -- but the components make up much of my diet. I eat lots of beans, nuts, tofu, tempeh, and I am not afraid of the "faux meats". They're quick and easy and they taste good-- gardein is nice as a rare treat. I'm over it.

Nowadays I eat eggs every so often and greek yogurt. If I find my macros at the end of the day are deficient in protein, I go for the powder.
@csf Your progress is amazing! You just killed it with that sumo deadlift.

I feel like I'm more or less where you were in 2011. As in, sloppy form. Could you be so kind as to tell me how you worked to correct it? I'd love to make as much progress as you!
@cush32 I had to learn how to tighten things up. I film almost everything nowadays, and hitting a set and seeing how it looks immediately afterwards is crucial. I watched a ton of videos, but the main way I got my sumo fixed was on a trip to Portland. I visited Chris Duffin's gym, and the guy is a gem. I basically did what they did, stretched a lot before, and that enabled me to get into the proper starting position for sumo. It requires enormous groin and hip flexibility. Just a day at Duffin's gym I set a huge PR.

For squats, it was a lot of persistence and again, a lot of film. I got a form check long ago on /r/Fitness and just kept filming and critiquing. I'd fix one problem and find another. I am still struggling with my knees coming in on my squat.

My biggest problem with both lifts? TIGHTNESS. I did try to get my whole body tight to start the lift. You can see the difference in 2011 vs. 2014 squats. My body is stiff as a board before I descend with my heavier sets. Take air, get your core locked (tighten your abs), and see how that looks on film.
@csf Your lifts are hella impressive! Seeing this makes me a little less afraid of bulking. Maybe this sounds ridiculous, but the only thing keeping me from trying it is the fear of having to buy new jeans (a nontrivial matter for a short girl with lifterbutt on a grad student income!). From 130 to 150ish, you look about the same size, but did you go up many clothing sizes? Sorry for the ridiculous question!
@lilalavoz Haha actually, I didn't really. I am also a grad student, and you have to keep your eye out for GAP 40% sales!! I went from a 4 in most pants to a 6 in GAP, which is glamour sized up to 8. So yes, I went up quite a few sizes. Worse, my tops went from small to large. My shoulders are too much (but they're beautiful so I don't care). I find that blouses and stuff are too loose (think: tit curtain) so I have some belts and I just started tucking in my shirts so I don't look so floofy.
@csf Damn! Although I could probably get away with a smaller bulk, I guess. Gap doesn't fit me well at all, for some reason...and fuck the clothing makers! Your shoulders are awesome! (I have that problem whether I'm lifting or not.)
@lilalavoz My sizes for tank tops are way more stable, so you shouldn't outgrow those anytime soon. It took me 3 years to gain this weight, so it wasn't too bad buying clothes every so often. Some of my pants were stretchy enough to survive longer than others. Leggings are also your friend, and if you buy baggy shirts to wear with them, they will survive a 20 lb weight gain!! You don't have to gain as much weight as I did, but you can if you want! There are ways to still be thrifty with clothes.
@csf Thank you so much for sharing! Watching your progress through the videos is so inspiring! I've seen your meet reports here and been in awe and it is great to get a backstory. Keep up the great work!
@csf You are seriously such an inspiration! I haven't started lifting weights but plan on it when I can get to a gym and it's so motivating seeing how impressive you are! Keep up the incredible work x
@csf You are amazing, really inspirational. Can I ask what you typically eat for meals? As a vegetarian who also tries to be somewhat gluten-free and really low-dairy I get discouraged sometimes. What kind of protein did you use when you were vegan?
@musicman69 I didn't want to rely mostly on soy, so my protein supplement was (and still is, actually) a 60/40 split of pea/rice protein powder on true nutrition. Combined with rice & beans, tofu, tempeh... I could hit at least 100 g/day pretty easily.

I have the most bangin' chili recipe. If you have a 6+ qt crock pot, throw all these ingredients in and cook 14+ hours on low:
  • 150 g each of three type of DRY bean. I like pinto, black, and navy.
  • 2 28-oz cans unsalted crushed tomatoes (refill one with water and throw it in)
  • big ass onion and a big ass green pepper, both chopped
  • 1.5 bag boca crumbles
  • juice from a jar of pickled sliced jalapenos, and liberal amts of the sliced jalapenos
  • spices: 1 T cumin, 1 t salt, 1/2 t pepper, 1/2 t dry basil
For 3843 g of recipe, the macros are 2738 / 240 / 6 / 450 calories / protein / fat / carbs. You can eat more than a pound of it and it's under 400 calories. Ridiculous.