[Progress Check] 1 year of bwf training. Stronger(ish) ! 1.0

@peinopela I'm a man of my word

Thank you again Tom for your in-depth videos. Your videos were helpful in designing my [sup][sup]shitty[/sup][/sup] routine. And I'm gonna make a new one based on your template and from other sources aswell. Keep being awesome :)

For anyone else interested, here is Tom's channel.
@joyages As already mentioned in the post, I got them made at a local carpenter shop for 500 rupees. The carpenter is a friend of a friend. I showed him this diy tutorial. After he made the rings, he came to train at my house a couple of times. He did some support holds and pullups. Pretty cool guy.

I don't know how well they will hold up once I put them up in the next couple of weeks. They feel pretty solid though and the grip is decent. A bit 'rough around the edges' but it should work :)
@unbelievable Great read. However, just a few notes:

Is it good to exercise an empty stomach? Afaik, doing that limits a lot your muscle gain and favors fat loss. Perhaps it would be good to eat at least something before working out.

Also, leg work is actually quite important. Think that your legs sustain all your body, and having strong legs is just as great as having strong arms/core. And the "skipped leg day" meme is there to show how weird not exercising the legs can make you.
@john2621 I like training fasted because I feel less sluggish and more focused. I don't really care if I'm "maximizing my gainz" or not. If I start feeling light headed or dizzy during training, that is a sure sign of low blood sugar. I just take a bite of dates, or a banana or some yogurt, drink some water and just get on with it. Try both ways and do whatever works for you.

About them legs, why do you think I got the barbell for ? 😜
Is it good to exercise an empty stomach? Afaik, doing that limits a lot your muscle gain and favors fat loss. Perhaps it would be good to eat at least something before working out.

It doesn't have to be before. You can only eat after. Or you can eat before, and not after. Or you can eat before, and after. Ultimately for 99% of the people out there, it's not going to matter.

As long as your nutrition goals are done properly throughout the day, it doesn't really matter. If you want to be more efficient, then there are tricks that you can do.

Things like smaller, and more often meals, will help even out the spikes of hormones, and smooth out the nutrient delivery to your body. Taking Creatine directly after you work out, with some added glucose, and protein will help muscle growth and recovery.

But these things aren't so important to do.
The way you think is the way you act. I am not "working out". I am training. Training to improve on what I already am. No other force on the face of this earth can stop me from training but me. I will stop the session only when I want to stop the session.

I love this. A lot of what I do professionally is helping people challenge their limiting perspectives, yet it took me years to figure out that my own perspective was keeping me from being as awesome as I wanted to be.