Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

@davidcrb Hey, you’re welcome. Feel free to ask anything or PM me too. Always glad to help someone hit their goals and prevent injury.
@deathdefeated I’m still trying to get it flatter! Although it could just be loose skin at this point.

I mainly noticed my arms and chest first, the stomach kinda crept up on me which was a pleasant surprise. So I suppose it was the last thing to really drop off, though I also need a whole new wardrobe!
@davidcrb Nice progress! With that said, your routine looks very unbalanced to me. You have far more upper body sets per week than lower body.

For upper body, you have also have about a 3:1 ratio of chest to back exercises. Maybe try to balance things out a bit for longterm joint health. You also don’t have a horizontal pull exercise, like a row.
@serina1995 Good point! I hadn't really thought of the chest to back balance, but that's a very useful thinking point. I'm gonna have to get creative to find some way to do some rows but I've seen some ideas floating around here, I think it's definitely the way to go, thanks!
@davidcrb Amazing progress, my friend!

I'm just a bit taller then you (1.7m) and I'm now on the 80 Kg mark.

My goal is to get to the same weight you're at high now.

I was going well, coming down all the way from my old 96 Kg but slowed down with the total lockdown we had here on italy (not eve walking outside was allowed, other then for groceries)

Now that I can walk and see the sun again, I started to track my calories once again.

I'm actually surprised to see that you've dropped your weight that fast with 1700 calories a day, as my maintenance is 1800.

As for BMI, it's only a guideline, if you look like you don't have a lot of fat, don't worry too much, this number is more to orient people that don't exercise and therefore don't build a lot of muscle.

On your diet, I would include some good old vegetables and salads there, man, macros are important, but micronutrients are important too. If you won't, never ever eat a vegetable for anything is this world (I've met people like this) then at least suplement with some multivitamin complex or something like that.

Last but not least, when you start your bulking, increase the calories slowly and watch the progress over the weeks. If you just +500 cals like that you might see that you're gaining more fat then you would like.
@sailorlyoko4life I think the best calculator I found was this one:

It allowed me to set a more precise multiplier for my activity level so that's where I got 1700 from, and to be fair I try to be super strict where I can!

I appreciate the thought about the BMI though, I know it's not exactly perfect especially when you're quite short or tall. I'm definitely trying to improve on my veggie intake, I'm not terrible, but I could be better! I'll definitely take your advice about the slow increase though, maybe 100 cals a day for the first week extra and work from there?
@davidcrb This calculator is awesome! I'm getting back to tracking my calories. I'll try to keep it around 1700 for some time and see how that goes. It's definetly more appealing then my old 1500 hahaha
@davidcrb First off I really admire your progression! Not sure about your exact fitness goals or exact but I feel you could do with some other leg exercises.

Squats are a solid base but if your performing 15+ reps it's pretty much Cardiovascular training (if that's your goal sweet!) but you could mix them up with:
Pistol Squat progressions
Shrimp squats
archer squats

Other leg exercises you could include are:
single leg deadlifts(bw)
Glute bridges are a nice alternative to focus on hammies, glutes

Lastly some plyometrics wouldn't hurt to be thrown in like:
Skater hops or jumping alternating lunges(might not be relevant for what you after)
@angerryf I must admit that leg exercises aren't my main focus, but I could do with mixing it up a bit.

Would you recommend dropping the squats to 15 and adding in an additional leg exercise or swap completely?

Interesting way to mix things up! I appreciate the advice
@davidcrb 15 vs 20 squats doesn't change much imo but honestly there are a lot of exercises in your routine so if you can add I'd go for single leg deadlift or glute bridges and swap normal squats for pistol/shrimp progressions.
But take it with a grain of salt
@davidcrb First couple of things I noticed was you have 12 upper body exercises, 3 core exercises...and 1 leg exercise.

Your legs are arguably the biggest and strongest muscle group of your entire body, so you should try to hit them with more than a single round of low weight calisthenics.

If you check out the RR progression, try moving onto Bulgarian split squats complimented with a set of 3 x (6 - 10) glute bridges (double or single leg, whatever you can handle).
@satellien The only supplement I take is whey protein powder, as well as a generic multivitamin (but I always took those prior to starting the routine, too).

Otherwise I hadn't really looked into it too much. Although I wouldn't be opposed if there was a strong consensus that it would help. I suppose part of me wants to see how much progress I can make without too many supplements and see how I feel by the end of it, more of a lifestyle change - you know?
@davidcrb nice progress, i agree with continuing to 140. you'll probably find at 140 that you want to continue even further, that is okay. don't chase other people's weight numbers, go by your own numbers and what you see in the mirror.