Protein powders info-dump


New member
I've just selected my protein powder after reading the hell out of this subreddit & various articles. Thought I'd share my findings here, possibly edit per yalls' suggestions.

Common powder protein sources: hemp, yellow peas, rice, soy. There are various other sources - quinoa, amaranth, spirulina, artichoke, cranberries, chia, etc - which I won't get too into here.
  • Soy: [Pros] High protein. Complete protein(?). High isoflavones. [Cons] Possible health concerns, more later.
  • Rice: [Pros] High protein. [Cons] Incomplete protein.
  • Peas: [Pros] High protein. Fat & cholesterol free. [Cons] Incomplete protein.
  • Hemp: [Pros] Cleanest and least processed of the bunch. Omega-3 & -6. [Cons] Less protein. High fat & calories.
So they all have pros and cons. Don't get hung up on this, since (1) you're likely to buy a blend, not a single-ingredient protein isolate; (2) you're likely already supplementing any missing amino acids from these in your diet (via quinoa, lentils, beans, etc).

On that note, let's talk about soy. I've seen a lot of claims that soy (esp. in excess) can harm your health, particularly regarding hormones. I've also seen soy-champions claiming it's bad rep and misinformation. My take? Don't get soy protein. Why? Because you're vegan, you're probably already getting plenty of soy elsewhere (tofu & tempeh obviously, but other sources which would surprise you). Ie, you probably already have plenty of it in your diet, and it's a soy excess which is the concern. There are plenty of vegan powders to choose from - so let's start eliminating.

Next - there's a major concern with heavy metals found in vegan protein powders . Seems to be particularly w/ rice proteins (correct me if I'm wrong). Consequently, Natural News did testing on tons of products to compare safety. Click that link, browse a source, but you'll need to enter your email for a listserve to get the charts & results. I'd recommend it, they're pretty detailed. The gist is here.

The powders I chose were mostly from Amazon reviews, has to be an "A" or higher in the lab, and common recommendations from this subreddit. I also selected non-GMO, and mostly organic. They included SunWarrior, PlantFusion, and many others (incl. Vega); I eliminated all but PlantFusion & SunWarrior due to price. I also added Now Foods Pea, because it's so damn cheap. So here we go, recommendations in order. And note, I selected "unflavored" in all of these because I seriously don't care about flavor - so you'll want to read reviews if you do. Also, they're all cheaper on Amazon than their respective websites - buy from Amazon.
  1. Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Protein
    • Protein / serving: 20g
    • Ingredients: Proprietary Protein Blend (Raw Organic Pea Protein, Raw Cranberry Protein, Raw Organic Hemp Seed Protein), Medium Chain Triglycerides from Coconut
    • Price: $18.91 / pounds
    • 4/5-star, 896 customer reviews
    • Highly recommended from this subreddit
  2. PlantFusion Diet Supplement
    • Protein / serving: 22g
    • Ingredients: Quinoa, Amaranth, Yellow Peas, Artichoke
    • 4.1/5-star, 1,373 customer reviews
    • Price: $22.94 / Pound
  3. Now Foods Pea Protein
    • Protein / serving: 24g
    • Ingredients: Yellow Peas
    • 3.8/5-star, 883 customer reviews
    • Price: $9.63 / Pound
    • Rarely recommended, barely passed the lab results (A, instead of A+++), single-ingredient. But it's so damn cheap! If you're on a budget, get this one.
The winner is! *Drumroll* Sunwarrior! Decent price, high ratings, good blend. But... uh... I ended up buying Now Foods 'cause I'm cheap ;)