Protein supplements with mainly rice protein?


New member

I am a little bit confused about an issue relating to rice protein supplement.

The protein supplements sold in my country use a combination of full grain rice protein and pea protein.

However in a video I was watching about nutrition there is a list of quality of different protein sources. Rice protein concentrate seems to be very low in the list, ranking at "low quality protein"! So are rice protein based protein supplements good?

This is the detailed protein concentration of this protein powder I bought. Do you think it is good and is rice protein good?

Tryptophan/Tryptophan: 0.75 g

Cystin/Cystin: 1.32 g

Methionine/Methionine: 1.91 g

Aspartic acid/Asparaginsyra: 10.45 g

Threonine/Threonin: 3.66 g

L-Glutamine/L-Glutamine: 15.07 g

Proline/Proline: 6.99 g

Glycine/Glycin: 4.01 g

Alanine/Alanine: 4.07 g

Valine/Valin: 4.98 g

Isoleucine/Isoleucin: 4.58 g

Leucine/Leucine: 6.87 g

Tyrosine/Tyrosine: 4.88 g

Phenylalanine/Phenylalanine: 4.92 g

Histidine/Histidine: 3.05 g

Lysine/Lysine: 5.23 g

Arginine/Arginine: 8.97 g

Thank you.
@lifeforfreddy I’m not going to pretend to know, but I am linking an episode of a podcast that I listened to the was very interesting about amino acids in plant protein sources. If I remember correctly, a summary is that it may not actually matter if you have incomplete proteins in a meal, as long as you get enough of the amino acids throughout the course of a day.

Also, this would be a supplement you’re looking into, yes? I think ideally you would get the majority of your protein through real food sources, and the supplement would be insurance. So it may not matter if it is a “low” quality protein if you are getting your food protein from a variety of sources. Ideally the protein from your food would cover most of your bases. Again, not an expert here, but just throwing in my two cents that you might not need to worry too much.

Here’s that podcast episode.. I need to listen to it again because it was pretty interesting.