Pull Up Advice


New member
I (33M) am trying to improve on my pull ups for upper body strength with more repetitions. Approximately once a week (sometimes 1.5 weeks), I try to do sets of pull ups consisting of the following:

2x standard (8 reps each)
2x chin ups (8 reps each)
2x narrow grip (8 reps each)
2x mixed grip (one hand pull up, the other chin up, and vice versa) (8 reps each)

My two problems are:

1) I can’t maintain the number of repetitions as I get further into the sets; e.g I’m fine for the standard and maybe the first set of chin ups, but by the time I get to the narrow grip I’m starting to fatigue and can’t do more than 4-5 reps without rest.

2) I can’t seem to progress beyond 8-9 repetitions week over week; I would expect that I’d gradually be able to do more over time but this isn’t the case for me. I can do 12-14 reps on the first set of standard before any fatigue, but my objective is to do less to start and maintain the same number of reps for each flavor.

Is this the wrong approach? Some thoughts I had:

-I am not doing this frequently enough; does it need to be done twice a week for example?
-I am not maxing out to failure on the first few sets, should I prioritize this over trying to maintain the same number for each flavor?

Any advice out there would be greatly appreciated.
@storiesfly I would recommend doing it every other day if you want to see some progress. One pull-up session every 7-10 days is far too casual. Be sure to follow up each session with post workout nutrition!
@storiesfly Sounds like more rest is necessary so that you're able to complete your target reps but also sounds like you would benefit from more volume but also more structure. Upping volume could be something like taking your total volume now and then adding 5 or 10 reps per set or week.

You could do that by changing things up a bit and not always training to the same 8 reps per set.

You could lower the session volume and then up the frequency. Example being 2x per week where you're doing 2 sets of 5 each session now doing 20 reps instead of the 16 reps per grip.

Quality reps are important rather than forcing them and getting less quality. You're looking to build a skill so you want to take it to a level that's comparable to an NBA player practicing free throws. Don't rush it.

You can burn out pretty quickly while chasing these types of goals so make sure you take a deload week every few weeks.
@storiesfly You can try eccentric pull ups ie working on negatives to improve your back strength to do more.. what’s helped me is using bands for my pull ups.. I also struggled with volume I’m a heavy guy 225lbs and I can honestly say I can do 10x3 set pull-ups now without fatigue. So what I did was . I would do a lot of volume pull ups with bands worked my way up to 15 reps so 2 sets 15 reps on bands regular pull-ups. Then 2 sets 15 reps chin ups. Then 2 sets 15 reps wide grip or underhand. I started with the purple band then went to the black band. Now I’m working on the red band which is the smallest band so I can start doing weighted dips 10x3. I did the rubber bands about 3x a week

I also added these workouts to improve my back muscles kneeling lat pull downs, reverse pull/inverted pulls.
@storiesfly I had great results building loads of casual volume. 2-3 times a week serious sessions mixing bodyweight volume building (add total reps via sets or reps) on one day and 5x5 weighted on another. Greasing the groove in between and then also doing 25 pull ups every morning in a few casual sets.

Never really did more than 10-12 in a set then tested and did 20.
@storiesfly Why not narrow your focus a bit? Do you need to perform all four types of pullups? Drop the mixed grip (would be my advice). I dont even know if you need the narrow grip.
I would do regular pullups and chin ups 2x a week not once. Itll help you progress easier. I wouldnt do sets if you are looking to progress.
For instance I set my number at 25. I did 25 in as few of sets as possible. Even if that means you do sets of 8/8/6/3. The next week id go to 27 (depending on how easy it was) and shoot for 8/8/6/5. You just keep moving the total number up. For instance I am now doing 4x10 pullups but started at 15 total each workout.
I spread them out throughout my entire workout. I hop up on the bar first thing and crank out a set of 10. I then go do bench press (doesnt involved back/shoulders/biceps). I come back 12-15 minutes later and crank out another set of 10. My last set of 10 might be the last thing I do. Just spread it out, it is more about the total number. You got this.