I hate to say it…all of the pull-up advice on this sub is 100% correct

@mendicant Have you tried doing a pull up recently? I was doing negatives consistently twice a week, thinking I was getting marginally better at them, when I just decided one day to attempt a pull up, and was able to do it easily. You might already be there!
@mendicant I put my bar in my bathroom doorway and then my rule was I did one negative or hang whenever I went in there. So probably 10-20 throughout the day/night every day?

I counted them even if they were fails or super low effort. And I did them every day, and could tell they were working because I got sore in places I’ve never been before!
@ashleye23 I gained the ability to do a pull-up and then lost it from not doing my silly negatives. Im just so pooped by the end of my workouts i don't wanna do it everyday :(( this sub is very correct lol
@ashleye23 Dumb questions, but the ones keeping me from doing this...how do you determine where a safe spot is to install the home pull up bar? Any kinds of wall construction to avoid? How do you secure one?
@rodrigorn0 It depends on the type of pull up bar you want/can have. If it’s the one over the door, measure your door frame and make sure it’s not too wide. The side “arms” are going to push against the door frame as you hang or lift off of it. The long rectangular part at the top of the pull up bar is what hangs on top of the door frame, too.
@sunday1971 Mostly lat pull downs, and some other pull exercises. I admit this wasn’t the best method, which is why I kept ending up on here wondering why those weren’t helping.
@ashleye23 Ah yeah, pull ups are a weird one, because its recruiting those muscles that is so hard for most people, I don't think its necessarily about strength, but more about muscle recruitment. So it's hard to get that same recruitment with lat pull downs.

congratulations though, thats a huge milestone, keep up the hard work!
@ashleye23 I was never good at pull-ups until I started pole dance. Now I can rep out 5-8 even though I rarely train them. I would love to consistently get to 10 by the end of the year! Maybe I will start actually working on them
@bio_student If you can already rep 5 to 8, you will definitely be able to do 10 in a few months if you start training specifically :).
The hard part is getting to do one because it's difficult to train a movement when you can't do it.
@ashleye23 Congratulations!!! The first is the hardest & you did it.

I’m especially pleased to read you did them everyday. I’ll die on the hill that the ideal exercise to get the first varies for everyone (be it assisted pull-up machine, bands or negatives) BUT frequency/volume is key.

It took me near 2.5yrs of daily pull-ups to get to 20+ & I doubt 3x a week or less would have gotten me there.

Wishing you many more pull-ups to come!
@ashleye23 This is exciting to hear because my at home pull up bar just arrived in the mail. Looking forward to increasing my volume in hopes of getting my first pull up sooner! Way to go!
@acronus Thank you!! Keep us posted on your progress!

Not that you asked for tips, but I ended up putting the bar in my bathroom doorway. I know, so weird! But then my rule was, whenever I went In there to fix makeup/hair, use the bathroom, wash hands etc, I would do one negative or dead hang.

It was kind of monotonous at first and definitely made me sore, but it meant I ended up doing a larger volume than if I’d just done one set every day.
@ashleye23 I wish I were tall enough to do negatives on the bar at my gym! Even with the step they have, I’m nowhere near tall enough to get up there.

Congrats on doing one! That’s seriously amazing.