Ratings of Protein Powders


New member
I caught a sale on a few protein powders last month and I’ve tried them. Basically Isopure is my favorite so far because it is the only one I’ve tried that mixes well. I’m guessing they must have the best ingredient for mixing that doesn’t clump. Taste is ok and doesn’t have any weird tastes. Used a regular 20oz shaker bottle. Not too sweet. I use both water and HWC for my shakes. Sometimes I add butter or avocado oil for extra calories. I’m pretty simple. There’s so many out there to try, it does get expensive so I’m looking to only use one brand. Now I have all these protein powders that can last me all summer. What do you guys think?

Edit: I forgot to mention I noticed Keto Chow is recommended to be refrigerated overnight. Maybe to help with mixing you have to leave it overnight or in the fridge for some hours, but sometimes I want to go head and drink them pre/post workout.

Protein powders tried: Isopure, Premier Protein, Dymatize, and Keto Chow

My favorite: Isopure
Easy opening packing, Mixes well in shaker, all flavors taste good, comes with a scooper, has vitamins, and smells good! Full for up to 5 hours.

Cons: not many flavors and flavors get old quick
Flavors tried:
Isopure - Dutch chocolate, cookies and cream, unflavored

Premier Protein- 6/10
Flavors- chocolate and vanilla milkshake

Pros: the vanilla milkshake taste really good, but left me with a sweet tooth

Cons: top hard to get off, no scooper, doesn’t mix well had to blend, a little too sweet, not many flavors

Dymatize- 8/10
Flavors- Fruity pebbles and fudge brownie

Pros- OMG they taste really good! and sweet if you like that

Cons: top hard to get off, no scooper, doesn’t mix well had to blend, a little too sweet, has that fake sugar taste (just makes me crave sweets).

Keto Chow- Got the sample pack 7/10
Saw it being hyped up

Pros- many flavors!,flavors are good.

Cons- The packages and serving size is a lot compared to other protein brands, they want you use to the whole package. 1 serving is the package
more expensive for less, doesn’t mix well had to blend. You use more water and protein powder in the package so I got full quicker and didn’t even finish the shake. I used half a serving and it was better. It’s still very thick. It’s like a thicker milkshake consistency. I like mine thinner so I can just drink it quicker.

Will not buy again due to being too expensive (unless there is a great sale).
@thentell Ryse Vanilla peanut butter is very good! It’s a bit sweeter. I mix with Fairlife skim, using a hand frother, then put in the freezer before workout (or for 30 min). Tastes like a milkshake.
@thentell Promix is my fave, doesn’t upset my IBS, uses coconut sugar instead of an artificial sweetener, and has like 4-5 ingredients. Not too sweet either!
@thentell I'm like you, caught a closing sale at a supplements store and bought all sorts of random brands. Regarding Dymatize, I'm surprised there's no scoop in your container; is it possible that it sank to the bottom? (Worth noting that I haven't bought Dymatize in a few years now, but they certainly used to have scoops).

My current favourite brand is Canadian Protein; it's less expensive than most and mixes super well, plus all the flavours I've tried so far were home runs. I've also slowly been getting through Revolution Nutrition's catalog; their wheys are designed to be mixed with water only and that's awesome. They're suuuper sweet though so often I'm mixing one scoop into a whole litre of water. I tried MyProtein once and found that their clear wheys are much smoother than those from Revolution Nutrition. But MyProtein is significantly more expensive to get in Canada.
@mimi_oftwo Yes I loved it! Spent under $100. I will definitely check those 2 out and I love that the Revolution brand can just mix with water? That’s awesome. A lot of people like to add all these things but I’m more simple so sometimes water is enough.

I’m gonna have to turn my jar upside down and see 😩 I do think it’s odd neither jar had one.
@thentell I like Ghost
  • Ghost x Cinnabon for protein pancakes
  • coconut ice cream mixed with iced cold brew
  • coffee ice cream mixed with iced cold brew
  • apple cider donut blended with coffee and ice
I love Oreos but hated their Oreo protein powder, if that’s worth anything!

Isopure Dutch chocolate is really good if you don’t mind shelling out the $$$.
@thentell Palatable vegan protein powders are even harder to find. My favorite are the ones by Buff Chick Supplements. So tasty, blend perfectly and you get 30 grams per serving. Almost all of the vegan ones I see online only have 20.
@anonymous2008 Another vote for True Nutrition! I like that you can customize the flavor/sweetness too. Lately I've been mixing with a couple scoops of plain pea protein and it's very inoffensive and creamy.
@thentell Whey doesn't agree with me so I've started using a pea protein powder (unflavoured, tastes awful) but mixing it with a non-added sugar/salt peanut butter powder and teaspoon of hot chocolate for taste mixed with water and bit of oat milk. Enjoying it so far.
@sofie I’m starting to see a pattern after your comment so I wake up having horrible stomach cramps and morning issues after drinking my protein shakes. So I just tried the Naked Pea not sure if that’s the one you have but I’m not liking it I’ll try mixing it with the items you mentioned.
@thentell I love the naked pea, but I add other things to it. 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, some date syrup and frozen cherries is delicious. I also make a blueberry coconut milk, one. And sometimes I will mix it with iced coffee and add some oat milk creamer.