*REALISTIC* 1 year 🍑 progress!


New member
so i know sooo many women here (including myself) fall victim to the poppin IG booties and transformations and all that, and as a frequent visitor of /r/instagramreality i figured a REALISTIC ass growth is needed.

fun facts:


lift 4 times a week

2 cardio

1 yoga day

squat max: 265

my nutrition is shit bc i have an ED thingy so my food intake is fucking untrackable and unknown. if i ate consistently without relapses i would’ve made a TON more progress but hey, mental illness, am i right?

so with that out of the way, here’s my personal one year progress!

EDIT: i’m 5’5, 130lbs, follow LPLP (legs, push, legs, pull) (my own version of PPL)


monday: 3x8squat @ 195, 3x8front squat @135, 3x8barbell step ups @110, 3x8barbell lunges @105

wednesday: 3x8 deadlift @ 185, 3x10 goodmornings @ 105, 3x8 cutesy lunge @105, leg press @250, glute and hams holding 25lb

my arms are for show i literally bench and dip, haha. i don’t focus too much on them since i’m shaped like a football player to begin with.


i don’t eat much throughout the day except for a premiere protein shake and some grilled chicken in lettuce. have greek yogurt, apples, celery and carrots w popcorn and some other carb type chip and then a FAT dinner of whatever my momma makes!
(i usually binge on cereal at night too but that’s bc of my ED. don’t do the last part of my diet it’s awful)
@cathy1964 noticeable improvement indeed - I could be wrong, but it looks like you are quad dominant rather than glute dominant? just based on the observation that your quads are much larger than your glutes.
@cathy1964 This is so awesome!!! I was super excited myself when I started noticing booty progress so I know the feels. Keep it up :) and it’s also great you joined powerlifting. It’s super fun!
  • fantastic progress - love how the quads are strong and popping
  • the fact that you are 17 and have your head screwed on right is very refreshing. there might be hope for the future generation haha. very impressed by your dedication.
  • amazing squat PR!
@cathy1964 Nice caboose, hard work pays off. You seem more confident (pose-wise) in your after pictures, that’s awesome! Good luck with the ED, people don’t realize how hard that shit is to live with on a daily basis.
@gyd yeah every single fuckin minute is a struggle and it is the worst thing that has and ever will happened/happen to me! wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

thankyou, tho, it truly means the world!
@cathy1964 Thanks for posting this op! It gave me a sudden urge to run. And as a person that has been slowly merging into my couch after an old injury that's so great.

(but wow I was so slow)
@cathy1964 I'm not wise for my age at all, but with a decade between us all I can say is keep that "fuck it" mentality. It'll help in SO MANY life situations. I wish I had your head space when I was 17. You sound extremely confident and self-aware for being that age! I hope you continue with your routine and have another progress pic to come!