Recruit the Glutes!: An XXFitness Collaboration

@rileyargo This looks great thanks! I'm doing PHUL but getting bored, looking to change up some stuff. Think I'll try this on my next lower hydrophy day.
@smclem I literally just had the same thought- plus I forgot about sumo deadlifts and I think they'd be an awesome addition to lower hypertrophy day.
@rileyargo This sounds fun! I'm going to try it tonight, keep up posted on the next days of the plan.

I like that you suggest specific poses/stretches for the warm down. I have some experience with yoga now, but when I first started weight lifting I didn't have the stretching knowledge to figure out how to stretch the correct muscles adequately and definitely suffered without it.
@spit344719 so true... yoga is amazing for lifters. I always try to include some dynamic or transition poses as well as yin (easier poses held for longer like legs up the wall or a supported back bend on a ball). feels gooooood :D
@geoster Yes that would be really awesome! I have trouble knowing how to remember certain moves, it would take me twice or three times as long to complete the full workout just on that :(
@rileyargo I think I'll add this as my 4th day to I'm doing now (SC Gorgeous Glutes plus Starting Strength)! I'm definitely interested in the rest of your program, and I'm nearly positive that I'll be waddling to my car after the gym 😂
@rileyargo I'm gonna guess that fire hydrants looks something like a male dog on his morning walk?

Regardless this is pretty cool. For health reasons there are several movements I can't/won't do. OHP and preacher curls as examples. I haven't found any pre-made programs that fit my personal goals AND myphysical therapy needs. I'm thinking about doing your butt routine as a lower body workout and my own personal upper body routine as a split.
@fromadaughter I don't see why not? It might just be my personal preference, but I normally do not superset compound lifts because I prefer to conserve my strength for reps and form. But I definitely have supersetted pull throughs and cable kickbacks. Helps if you have 2 ankle straps so you can alternate between legs quickly!
@fromadaughter I think the idea for max hypertrophy was to rest between sets, but I'm sure you'll still see great gains doing some of these as supersets! Just watch your form as you fatigue near the end ;)