Grow them Glutes

@hkmhuik Never tried GVT before. What was your experience on it? Starting a new program and immediately starting a bulk when i get back from vacation next week and I was thinking about giving it a go.
@heartnsoul19 GVT kicks your ass
Love it! I have been incorporating GVT into various 4, 6, 8, 12 week programs. I mainly only use GVT for the big 5 lifts (squat, bench press, military, dead, row) usually the 1st exercise after warm-up

Also, GVT w/superset leg ext -> leg curls to end leg day is my absolute favorite! Talking jello legs
@hkmhuik Another user suggested that if you've been trying for 15 years and still struggle with glute growth it might be a genetics issue. I think this is unlikely, but having your max squat and body weight for reference would be helpful. If you can put twice your body weight on a barbell and do it for 4 x 6 - 10 reps, it would be surprising to hear that you have lagging glutes.
@hkmhuik It sounds like you're probably doing something in the neighbourhood of 225 for reps, which is a fine range if you don't really care about legs and just don't want to look like you skip leg day, but if you want to improve your lower-body aesthetics you've absolutely got room for improvement. Squatting 315 for 4 x 6 is a realistic goal, for example. For inspiration, here is a dude doing 22 reps of 315 at 160 lbs body weight. I'd recommend doing a bulk where you prioritize adding strength to your squat in the 5 to 10 rep range. I can tell you from experience that adding 50 lbs here will make a significant visual difference to all muscles involved and this is doable in as little as 6 months, less if you're bulking hard.
@hkmhuik I'm 5'8" 175 and 1RM is in the ~315 range (never bothered going above 3 plates), glutes are big enough to make girls feel bad about themselves. I'm also at the tail end of a bulk and will cut to around 160, so you're quite a bit bigger than me.

At your height/weight you should definitely try to put more weight on that squat. I see guys your size repping 3-4 plates.