Recruit the Glutes!: An XXFitness Collaboration

@rileyargo This sounds fantastic. I don't have time to do a routine longer than 40 minutes in total including warm-up/activation but I may be able to in the (not too distant) future, saving this for then!!!
@iconoclast you could also cut one lift - cable kickbacks can be time consuming messing about with ankle straps, which should cut 5-8 minutes, you could also cut the warm-up in half by doing 1 set of each instead of two. I might devise some alternate plans for people who are under a time crunch.. maybe indicate where sets can be cut due to time or conditioning. hmmn...
@rileyargo I love all of those exercises for a glute focus. Just curious...are you saying this is something to do for every workout in a week's time or just something to add into my current workout schedule? Like swap out my second leg day for this?

Thank you for putting this together!
@brohmanluke You could definitely swap this in for your 2nd leg day.

The general idea for the program is for all training to be glute-centric (direct or indirect) but with adequate rest and recovery time between sessions to maximize hypertrophy. When the program is complete, this would be Day One of a 4 or 5 session week, with a different workout on each day. The primary movements (core lifts) stay the same, but the accessories change. I've only programmed Week One and tested Day One so far so that's all I've posted. Was hoping to get some feedback on this workout before posting any more. Please let me know how this workout goes for you! :D
@menicklady I've only programmed Week One so far and worked through Day One myself. I'm still guinea pig experimenting on myself before I share here, so as I work through the days (and receive feedback from this sub) I will definitely continue to share! I just want to make sure what I'm suggesting is actually practicable and safe before I set it loose on you lovely people :D
@rileyargo Awesome! I am going to incorporate this. I've been hitting my VMO pretty hard, and it's time to give that a rest. The next thing I wanted to really hit was glutes/hamstrings again. I really need to take more progress pics! It would be fun to see what this will do.