Grow them Glutes

@hkmhuik Isolate the glutes with kick backs slow and controlled. Bridges. Your quads are too dominant to grow from squats. Straight legged dead’s don’t hit glutes much either. Get your mind muscle connection right
@hkmhuik Heavy glute dominated good mornings were the first thing that I actually saw a big difference from. Took 18 years to figure out the right form. It’s all mind muscle connection starting from initial movement back with your glutes. And keeping tension there the whole time. Slow deliberate range of motion. Low bar position. Don’t F up your back. Figure out the form before you move up in weight. 3x6 moving up each set. Bust out two more sets at top weight with 6second rests for whatever you can get. Probably 2-3 then 1. Stay within your limits. Follow it up with glute thrusts 3x8-10. You’ll see good carry over in your squats too.
@sam85 Love it. I'll start going heavier, slower, and with less reps

I have always gone low weight, slow and controlled reps with goodmornings. Like 3-4 sets of 25-15 reps
@hkmhuik My glutes exploded from low bar squats alone. I actually had to switch to high bar just to activate more quads. Give it a try if you've been doing high bar
@amerikanka Buying bands right meow!

That's one of the things I thought of the other day as to what all I haven't tried. Bands, kettle bells, and body weight
Starting to incorporate a HICT program along with weight training similar to like what we did for HS Hockey, Lax, and FB off seasons
@hkmhuik Romanian deadlifts, split squats, sumo squats, back extensions with narrow foot placement, and walking backward on the treadmill with a slight incline.