Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

@theeternaliam people are fucking crazy. And most of them don't have any sources. I'm not arguing with some bro who wants to eat 200g pro per day. Go nuts dude! Enjoy! You definitely aren't just wasting money and excreting all the excess! It also seems like the degree of militancy is directly related to lack of scientific support (see also: anti-vaxxers)
@folashade Oh yay, glad I'm not the only one spamming this link everywhere :) I think we've gotten pretty good in this sub at least at recommending 0.8 g/lb, with 0.6 g/lb being "okay" but probably not quite optimal (as opposed to zomg you're so protein deficient). I mostly just see the 1 g/lb still in /fitness.
@folashade For losing excess fat the protein intake of 0.8-1g/Lb is a normal recommendation. Different people have different goals and protein is a major part of reaching those goals.

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