Renaissance Periodization App Diary


New member

Longtime lurker, sometimes commenter, and first time poster.

I bought the 6 month RP hypertrophy app package, and figured I’d keep a little log here.

Quick stats/background

-5’11 205lbs and have been training for 15 years

-Hypertrophy and bodybuilding has traditionally bored me, as I’ve been playing sports all my life and then took up powerlifting in undergrad (SBD 470/286/601 if anyone cares)… part of why I’m making this post is to keep accountable to not doing this a week then going back to powerlifting or nothing at all

-Day job is personal trainer, and I like this “app” (it’s a webpage, not an actual developed app) because I don’t need to think at all, just follow directions.

-Current-ish physique

I’m halfway through the first week, and while it’s boring, it’s important to get out from under the bar every so often.

I’ll update this every 2 weeks, and I’ll answer questions as they come.
@cattat This app has been huge for me and my clients. Love it and what it’s done so far. Just put in a good amount of effort the first week and it automatically progresses you through the rest of the meso provided you’re honest with feedback.
@cattat I'm on my second meso with the app and I'm very happy with it. As the typical father of two, full time job, blah blah blah, just showing up and doing what I'm told is huge.

I'll be following along.
@cattat I cancelled my subscription after the first meso. Sure, it’s nice that the app does all the thinking for you but I found it expensive as hell for what it is.

I’m currently trying an App called Alpha Progression which lets you progress in a similar way using RiR ( but without the feedback ), I’m about to end the first week on it.
@brian5856 To me it’s incredibly cheap but different strokes, different folks.

It’s essentially 35 bucks a month… I charge 140/hr working with clients so I think this is almost undervalued.

I agree that it’s a little basic, but bells and whistles are overrated when it comes to results if they come
@cattat I had it and cancelled. The web based UI is clunky and overly complicated.

Needs to be a true app and provide more options like the ability to program true Myo rep sets, varying reps/weights on different days, etc.

Google sheets still the GOAT.
@cattat Former JuggernautAI user here and follower of Dr. Isratel. Any familiarity or thoughts on the differences between RP Hypertrophy App, EvolveAI, and JuggernautAI?
@cassandra27 I’m more familiar with juggernaut than evolve because it was big in powerlifting circles first.

At first it was a meme because of the crazy volume, but I wonder if that was really user error
@weeppee It is web-based, but it functions practically the same as any app if you put a shortcut on your home-screen. Only difference is that you need connection to the internet to use it.