Renaissance Periodization Hypertrophy App-week 9


New member
Hey y’all,

Reached the end of my second mesocycle on the Renaissance periodization hypertrophy app (web app)

What I learned from this second block

-I miss strength work a lot

-working in an even higher rep range than the mesocycle before didn’t seem to yield the same results, but I’m getting more compliments on my muscle size so maybe I’m doing something right?

-the RIR 8 deload week is still a waste. I’ve been doing 4 this week. Powerlifting cycles are infinitely harder and I’ll die on this hill.

Differences from this block to the next

-8-12 rep range on everything

-add some 3-6 rep range bench and deadlift

-increase mesocycle from 5 to 6 weeks to see if I spend a little more time under more volume necessitates a deload

Ask me anything about it. Overall I’m really happy with it, and 199/299 for six months is worth it (I can’t remember how much I paid lol)… bodybuilding isn’t my main love, and it’s not worth it for a full on coach for me at present.
@elenchus My body responds there best I think. Maybe somethings like hamstrings and biceps at 15, but 15-30 like I was doing this last 5 weeks wasn’t the move like I thought it might be (or, I need another 5 weeks there)
@cattat I'm using it too and halfway through my first meso (6x6). Dr. Mike recommends you do 2 deload days in one session if you feel like it's wasting time, and also says you shouldn't really feel like you got a workout in during your deload anyway. It's more about active recovery and reducing your systemic fatigue.

How have you been liking the feedback mechanism so far? Early on I definitely didn't feel I was getting enough volume so I kept adding sets and providing feedback and now going into week 4 the recommendations for workload seem spot on.
@marinam91 The feedback has been spot on! Especially as I went.

I see the reasoning for his methodology, I just think I’m so attuned to high intensity and volume on the big 3 lifts that bodybuilding intensity is just not as brutal.
@cattat Oh that's for certain. I was into powerlifting as a teen then took over a decade off, suffered several injuries and now I'm trying bodybuilding instead. It's a different type of intensity when you only really have to give it your all near the end of a set instead of on every rep.