@triumphant8891 This is great! I used to do pull-ups all the time and have gotten out of it. I think a challenge like this would help me out a lot awesome job!
@triumphant8891 11 chest-to-bar pull-ups is an excellent achievement. And it means you have hit the requirement for training the front lever (adv tuck should not be too hard now), and the muscle up.
@triumphant8891 So how many sets did it take you to get to 100/day? Hopefully you have a pullup bar at home, cause it seems very time consuming to go to the park every time.
@triumphant8891 wow 100 pull ups day. You performed them in a single go or in intervals? Like 3 sets of 10 res in the morning, then 3 set of 10 in the evening and maybe 4 sets of 10 at night?
@triumphant8891 What an amazing post! Perfectly shows that all You have to do to become better is practice. Look at the form differences between day 1 and day 30. Youve became a professional pull upper. Nice work and well done. Back when I started I did gtg as well with pull ups and that took me from doing 4x2 to 4x8 pull ups in about two weeks. Theres no secret to dragonflag, fronnt lever back lever etc etc. Put in the time and effort and there you go. Grease them groves
@triumphant8891 That's fantastic work! But I think you're selling your progress short: you didn't go from 10 reps to 11 reps, you went from 0 reps with perfect form to 11 reps with perfect form. That's one hell of an improvement.