Says here that the farmer’s carry is a full-body workout. Can I just do farmer’s carries every day?

@dinneratsix My concern is adaptation, even when increasing farmers load progressively. Your body will get fucking amazing at carrying load in the farmers position. You’ll be a hell of a grunt. This does not necessarily equate to aesthetics. If you LOVE carrying heavy shit, then I 100% support going beast mode on this. If you want to ensure a certain physical appearance? Add at least two days of upper/ lower hypertrophy (gym lifts). The rest is nutrition. I like the approach of 80% what you love/ 20% what you need.
Also, if you enjoy farmers carry, you’ll probably enjoy suitcase carry, med ball throws, over shoulders. overhead carry and sled push/ pull. But now you’re just mimicking strongman sport. So, you like strongman.
@dinneratsix The hip hinging movement (deadlifts, kettlebell swings, etc) is arguably the most important movement there is. So no, you should not only do farmers carries. But yes, they are still very functional and a good addition to any workout.