Spiraling down a pandemic depression hole so I bought a treadmill

@godzillla I have had a treadmill for the whole pandemic, but it absolutely saved me! As a fellow immune-compromised person, it has made me feel safe while still letting me stay healthy and fit. I enjoy setting the incline high and waking, but I’ve also done “hikes” where I change the incline.
@godzillla no! i think getting a treadmill is great! where i live it rains everyday so i get on the treadmill and watch a movie or play candy crush or something. its quite nice and it lets me afford to eat snacks! ive given up all hope of maintaining my precovid fitness levels and its okay
@godzillla This app isn't for everyone, but I've really enjoyed Zwift during the pandemic. It's mostly cycling-focused, but treadmill runners use it as well. There are worlds you can explore, so that's kind of a nice sense of escapism when you can't really get it in real life, plus workouts, plans, and events/group stuff that make it into more of a community. There are some descriptions out there that describe a little better what it is. I usually find indoor exercise SO BORING but this has me itching to get training every day, and gives me something to look forward to on days when there just isn't anything else. Just one suggestion! Congrats on making the leap towards a positive outlet.
@godzillla Honestly, I still prefer treadmill to outside running, the latter gives me mad anxiety. I recommend c25k!! That’s how I started running and found the program pretty doable. I did very slow jogging so it didn’t feel overwhelming. But c25k is nice because it gives you structure to your runs, which I prefer over mindless running or walking.
@godzillla Hey, if you can, consider putting it facing a window, especially if there are nice plants. Looking at greenery alleviates anxiety. It also helps make it feel like you're actually walking to somewhere. (I know for me, walking on a treadmill can give a weird existential crisis since it's technically stationary. Hence the advice haha)
@godzillla You made an investment in your mental and physical health. Your depression is making you question yourself, whether it was worth it, and why even bother. Ignore that feeling and press on. Any routine or consistency is okay. We’re all just bandaiding everything right now and that is OK.
@godzillla Dude I lucked out and my parents gave me their old treadmill for Christmas. Literally I just walk 10,000 steps every day on it and prop my iPad and watch survivor (lol). For the first 45 minutes I alternate 5 minutes 0% incline and 5 minutes 10% incline and then the last 45 I just walk flat. It makes the WORLD of a difference!!!

Start slow! Just walking has made me more motivated in all aspects of my life. And like I would just be sitting on my ass watching survivor anyways, so might as well just walk 🤷🏻‍♀️
@godzillla I panic bought a treadmill in April and it sat until December. It came with a free one year iFit app which I just started using which I enjoy. But what I really like is I just started watching the British Baking Show and it’s my new happy place. I now walk/jog on the treadmill while watching it and it’s a game changer.

I also like to do what I call the ladder when I’m trying to get just a quick work out in. You can adjust to your comfort level but I walk @3mph minutes 1-4, then jog @5 minutes 4-6, then increase each minute in increments of .5 until I hit 7 (so basically 5 minutes of increases) - then back to 5 and increases in of .5 up until 7 again, repeat one more time but on the 3rd go you do 7mph for 2 minutes then one minute @8 and then back to 5mph for 2 minutes and then brief cool down. I absolutely hate it while doing it but I have to change it up often enough I don’t get bored but the intervals aren’t so long i don’t feel like I can make it and I always feel way better once it’s over. You can also adjust down or up if you’re not feeling it that day or if you’re feeling extra ambitious.
@godzillla One of my favorite exercises and one that also as been super effective for me has been walking on an incline (I would start off slow since you are getting in the groove of things again). Incline of 12-15, speed of 3.0 ( maybe slower for you and gently increase) and do it for 15-30 minutes!! Put on some good music or a show and just walk

This was my go-to exercise when I had bad gym anxiety in college and my primary cardio after ST. It is a workout and I feel like it also helps build muscle since you are also on an incline. You also don't even have to do it for too long and a good way to ease into running if thats what your interested in
@godzillla No need to be overwhelmed. It's literally just a machine for running and waking indoors lol. Start with a few ten minute walk breaks between meals, or a morning and afternoon walk, or whatever you pick. You don't have to immediately start marathon training. ;)
@godzillla There is absolutely no shame in just walking to begin with. Our bodies were made for movement. Set (realistic) goals and remind yourself that consistency is the most important thing. For your situation, I think this is a fantastic purchase!
@godzillla Watched Walker on YouTube. I fire up the treadmill and head off on jaunts through London or Paris. There are a ton of folks making walk videos that are great to walk to on the treadmill.
@godzillla I just want to say I think you’re amazing to recognise that you needed to do something different. Have you considered trying the couch to 5k app using the treadmill? It’ll make running seem less overwhelming and you can repeat weeks if it gets too hard too soon. You’ve got this.
@godzillla Such a smart move on your part. The Peloton app is free for at least a month, maybe two right now. You can do the classes on the tread as it's pretty applicable to all treadmills, plus all of their other great content: yoga, stretching, cardio, meditation, pilates, barre, strength, etc.

ETA: I see I'm a bit late recommending this haha
@godzillla Walking is so good for you!! It is underrated as exercise! It may not seem has hardcore as weightlifting or running marathons, but it gets your blood moving out of your legs and strengthens your bones. I’d also suggest yoga if you’re interested in it. There’s a lot of free yoga on YouTube. A lot of people like yoga by Adriene.