Squatting AtG is not necessarily better than parallel

@roger5599 I also think people should know about the concept of "progressions". I'm sure you (OP) does, but for those who don't know... any exercise you see can be broken down into easier exercises and people publish a list of increasingly difficult exercises that you can do to build your way up to a difficult exercise. All that to say, no one needs to walk into a gym, put a barbell on their back, and start squatting. You can do progressions.

I did when I was starting off. I couldn't even body-weight squat off a box. I more or less followed this squat progression until I could barbell squat: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/2c/92/342c92e940dac688fa5470b9761435f7.jpg.

The guy in this has an IG of "AchieveFitness" I believe. He and his wife run a gym... I love their IG tutorials.
Is it just me or does the offset KB squat seem harder than front/back squats? Seems like it would require more core stabilization if you’re only holding it in one arm.
For me, it would just depend on the load and reps. With barbell, I go heavy and low volume. With KB's, I'm more focused on movement, so very low weight, but high rep. I think that helps me with stabilization.