Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

@liengsunwin It's not just that. I was never, ever able to activate glutes doing squats, including most variations. I thought I was doing something wrong. Then, I found this video that explains in simple terms anatomical proportions and why your body behaves in different ways doing squats based on those proportions. It made me feel normal! And now anytime someone tells me I lean too far forward doing squats, I refer them to this video.
@manwithnohat That video and the second part are excellent, thank you for sharing! It seems like they’re aimed at trainers and PTs; I love how grumpy he gets about the bad advice he’s heard others give. 🤣
@manwithnohat Wow, thanks. I'm always frustrated with squats because there are so many "rules" that seem impossible to me and I always felt like I was leaning too far forward or going to fall backwards. This helped me.
@manwithnohat I also have long femurs and a very short torso, have to do a steep forward lean with back squats, but I’m extremely glute dominant and don’t feel squats in my quads at all (I’m also struggling to grow them which is annoying). I don’t think proportions have anything to do with glute activation
@manwithnohat This video explained soooo much for me, thanks for sharing! The anatomy explanation was invaluable, and in addition to that, it gave me some food for thought on my weight placement.

I'm constantly hearing that I 'should' be squatting low bar, but the discussion/demonstration of proportions gave me a light bulb moment as to why i find high bar so much more comfortable with the way I'm built and how my body moves and leans.
@liengsunwin Absolutely! I've been doing squats for years but never activated my glutes doing them until after I started taking a glute-focused weight training class. Even then it takes a lot of concentration on my part!
@dawn16 Theres a loooot of us quad dominant folks. I love the look of big strong legs. I don’t love how my strong but overly tight quads pull my hips out of alignment and cause me enough pain that I’ve needed crutches over the years.
@dawn16 you definitely still work your legs during hip thrusts, there are very few glute exercises that ONLY target glutes. Maybe some banded ones? But hipthrusts tend to target them a fair bit more than your quads which is useful especially if you're quad dominant. I think it's an amazing exercise over all and see more guys doing them now I hate to see people bashing them as just an instagrammy model thing. Also plenty of instagram models have thick legs and embrace that look too.