Super anxious before first session


New member
I’m nervous about starting. I’m a 29 y.o 5’3 F about 129 lbs although i lost about 7 lbs in the last 2 weeks bc of life related stress so I’m sure that will come back now that I’m eating normally. My weight has always been in a normal range but I have always been flabby. My goal is to tone my body a bit. Today I’m going to be watching part of one crossfit group session just to get a feel for it and then starting the first of 3 beginner one on one sessions before I can join main group. I’m super nervous because I don’t really go to the gym at baseline and so I know I’m super out of shape. I’ve tried to go to the gym in the past but never knew what to do so would always just do the elliptical and then I’d end up quitting because I never really knew where to start with anything else. I’m really anxious of people judging me for how out of shape I am especially because I know everyone there will be super fit. I’m also nervous that I’ll just quit like every-time I’ve tried to go to the gym bc I felt overwhelmed by everything & felt a bit intimidated by everyone who just seems to know what they’re doing. I’ve also been reading posts on this group for a few days and I feel nervous that maybe my fitness level isn’t where it should be before starting? I’m wondering if anyone else has felt this way? And what they did to help that feeling go away? And where you are at now?

Any tips/advice would be appreciated!

Thank you
@kycatt007 I started crossfit six months ago with an absolute crap fitness level. You're going to be fine...sort of lol. You're going to be sore, you're going to be tired, but you're going to be fine. :)

They will scale your workouts to your level of fitness. The first few weeks you will find what you're able to do, and from there you will build yourself up and get better and better.

Don't worry about matching what everyone else can do, focus on what you can do, and try to do better than you did last time.
@kycatt007 I would do three days a week with a day of rest in between each day. After you've build some strength and confidence you can definitely go in more if you want.

I started with three days a week, and then ramped up to 3-5 days a week several months in.
@kycatt007 No one was good at Crossfit their first time - I still remember my intro WOD and how it felt.

With that in mind, you should be more focused on the people around you and coaches. Are they encouraging, helpful, and supportive? If so - then you are in a good place.

Crossfit is all about scaling - 90% of people that do Crossfit are not doing the workouts you see posted online.

You are only going to get better than you were yesterday - don't focus on the weights or other people and do it for you!
@kycatt007 Remember this: the greatest competition is yourself not others.

Also, “Don’t stop when you’re tired... stop when you’re done.” - Johnny Sins.

Seriously go in scale, let the coach know what’s up and work on form.

Oh and never EVER don’t go because the workout looks hard. Just go.
@kycatt007 Owner of a gym. All of these feelings are VERY normal for someone who is out of shape so I want you to know MOST people who start, feel this way. I was one of those people myself before I started at the gym I now own.

This the plan I lay out to most members who join:
1. Everyone starts from different points but all you have to do is start. The first 3 months the main focus is joining the community and just learning how to move with VERY limited intensity. The community is what will keep you coming back in most cases.
2. Just show up 3 days a week to start and walk 20 minutes the other days. Do that for 3-6 months.
3. From there, add a day of crossfit and remove a day of walking every 6 months to a max of 6 days (most people only need 6).
4. DO NOT change your diet at all for 6 months unless you eat MORE food. This MAY add a little body fat but you need a healthy body to recover. The diet comes later.

Remind yourself this is for your long term health. The focus of CrossFit is not to be the fittest person in the room but to kick butt into your 90s. You have a HUGE runway to get there. Give yourself grace to not be great at things. All of us were there at some point.
@kycatt007 Congrats on getting up the courage on going in! Enjoy the journey. Everyone takes some time to acclimate. Make sure to scale (use weights, movements, reps to your ability)! Drink lots of water. Remember, everyone started somewhere.
@kycatt007 I was in a similar boat, I always quit the gym because I didn’t know what to do. That’s what I love about CrossFit, I don’t have to know! I show up, get told/shown what to do, and then have fun while doing it.

Try not to get intimidated watching the class, I know I definitely was. You’ll learn the basics in your on ramp, and then the coaches will help you scale appropriately in class. CrossFit is addicting, have an open mind and have fun!
@kycatt007 I think you will quickly find that you are respected based on how much you're putting into it and simply being nice/cool to others, not how you look. You'll probably feel much better after your first class. Go for it, you got this!
@mkm6 I guess I’m nervous bc I really also want to make friends through crossfit since I don’t know too many people in the area. But I recently just went through a breakup and don’t have the energy to really interact with anyone. Normally I’m a really outgoing extrovert but rn I feel like any interaction no matter how minor really exhausts me. I’m hoping I can just atleast stick to crossfit and not quit bc of how low I feel
@kycatt007 Congratulations on making this move that is scary for you!

Just trust the process. Give the hour of your day to it and see how you progress.

Some things:
- I know it’s a cliche, but nobody cares in a negative way what anyone else is doing. Everyone cares in a supportive way, in a good gym everyone will be as excited for your successes as you are, regardless of how small they may seem. Everyone celebrates each other.
  • CrossFit is so varied that I guarantee there will be things you’re good at and things you’re bad at - there are for everyone!
  • the coaches are so used to working with all types of people. Nobody starts as a great crossfit athlete, the coaches have loads of experience of making workouts suitable for anyone who walks through the door.
  • trust the process and the programming, don’t overthink it, don’t skip the days when the workout looks at your weaknesses (or your strengths!) even the most awful looking workouts can be fun in a good group all grinding through it together - and those are the ones that leave you feeling most proud and pumped for other life challenges!
Most of all, try to enjoy it. (In the unlikely event that you don’t get a good vibe from the gym, it’s not the place for you, try somewhere else, they’re all quite different.)
@kycatt007 I started CrossFit 50lb overweight at my cousin’s gym. I was so nervous and embarrassed about my starting abilities, but no one made me feel that way. I started slow, scaled to less than what I thought I was capable of. Listened to my coaches and asked them their opinions and went with it. Now I am a coach and have stayed with CrossFit for 8 year and still love working out. I never liked exercise before. The community will come along side of you, the coaches will be there to encourage and keep you moving safely, and your mind will take you to places you didn’t know possible. Best of luck!