Tell me a good 5 day split


New member
Hi I am techie(22 M) , goes to the gym(office gym) daily , as my office is for 5 days a week , I needed a good 5 day split . Please help me out with this ..I follow mon:- chest triceps
Tue:- back biceps , wed:- shoulder forearms thru:- legs , Friday :- arms . After every workout I do 20 min cardio ....

Edit :- so many responses. Thank you everyone . Will post the physique by the end of December or early January..
@ejmeier Personally I favour Upper - Lower - Upper - Lower - Arms. Lets you workout each muscle group more often with 3 times a week frequency for arms (direct + indirect)
@vadadell This is a beginner version I've given to folks. I personally do a much higher volume one but don't recommend that for most people.

Upper 1
Dumbbell bench press/chest press machine 3x8
Lat pulldown 3x12
Seated dumbbell press 3x8
Cable pushdown 3x12
Dumbbell bicep curl 3x12

Lower 1
Goblet Squats/Barbell squats (if able) 3x6
Good morning 3x8
Leg extensions 3x12
Leg curl 3x12
Standing calf raises 3x15

Upper 2
Incline Dumbbell press/incline chest press machine 3x10
Dumbbell row 3x10
Standing dumbbell press 3x12
Triceps dumbbell extension 3x12
Hammer curl 3x12

Lower 2
Romanian deadlift 3x6
Hack squat 3x8
Leg extensions 3x12
Leg curl 3x12
Seated calf raises 3x15
@mom123 Here's my arm workout currently. I add some additional side or rear delt volume (Lateral raises/upright rows/rear delt flyes) depending on which I feel needs more volume that week. Occasionally I start the day with overhead presses if my upper day doesn't include them.

Hammer curl 3 x 8-12

V-bar Triceps pushdown 3 x 6-10

Preacher curl 3 x 8-12

Overhead triceps extension 3 x 10-15

Upright row 3 x 10-15

Egyptian Cable Lateral raises 3 x 10-15
@ejmeier I prefer to do

Mon- 4 exercises of chest + 3 exercises of triceps

Tue- 4 exercise of back(no dumbbells) + 2-3 exercise bicep

Wednesday- leg day

Thursday- 2 exercises of chest (dumbbells only) + 3 exercises of triceps

Friday- 2 exercise of back + 4-5 exercise bicep

Saturday- Shoulders + 2 exercises of leg

Proper warm up, chin up based on muscle day, pushups are a part of daily routine

Also after every 4 months i change this format like after 4 months i will train ONLY one muscle part every day because our body needs that fkin shock, REPEAT
@gunderson500 4 exercise for any muscle in any day is overkill in my opinion.

Generally speaking most people can do at max 2-3 exercises per muscle group in one day, anything extra is just "Junk Volume" which doesn't help in hypertrophy and instead increases chances of injury.
@chongqing I’ve read this earlier too in a fitness article.

But let’s assume one is doing chest THEN first inclined bench press, second is flat bench press, third is declined bench press, and fourth is cable crossover or butterfly.

Which one of them can he leave?

Also, If you only do two exercise for your triceps then you might not be exercising all three insertions or heads of the triceps muscle group: long, lateral and medial head.

Muscle group at large is same, motions are different. Insertions or heads of muscle groups are multiple
@ejmeier Monday - Quads and Calves

Tuesday - Back and biceps

Wednesday - Chest and triceps

Thursday - Glutes and Hams

Friday - Shoulders and abs
@vadadell It's possible but this is what my trainer has told me to do. Also I'm still a newbie and I get super sore after my workouts and this soreness takes atleast 2-3 days to go. So this works for me. Still I'd like to know if you have some suggestions?
  1. Chest and Triceps
  2. Back and biceps
  3. Legs and Abs
  4. Biceps, forearms and Triceps
  5. Shoulder and Abs.
This is what I follow now. I want to focus more on Arms and shoulder growth. So I have created a split like this. Getting bigger arms finally. I do 10km jog or walk everyday so my legs are sore most of the time. This is the reason for only 1 leg session per week.