Thinking about a Double Kettlebell Deadlift Basket


New member
I have 12,16, 20 and 24 kg bells and I have been starting to work on deadlifts. You quickly get used to the 24kg and move on to different sized bell in each hand and that just feels awkward even after 2 weeks.

I googled kettlebell basket and it did not appear.

Here is my dream. A metal basket big enough for 2 kettlebells with a handle between the kettlebells.

Kind a like one of these but instead of mushrooms put 2 kettlebells.

The idea is to stand directly over the basket and deadlift.

I was thinking of using plumbing pipes.

They do look on the more expensive side but it would be cool and very durable.

Have seen people strap kettlebells together and that is an interest of mine too.

PS - I have already had thoughts! While 1/4 pipe is cheaper it would not be good for actual lifting! It would dig into your hands. I would have to go to the store and feel the different pipe sizes.

PSS - The orientation could be one on top of the other maybe....
@y0ung1996 I'm all for jury-rigged contraptions and doing goofy shit with KBs, but honestly imo this seems like a very difficult way to not use a barbell. Most people will very quickly be able to deadlift more than a KB or a set of KBs will allow. They're great tools, but they're not good tools for adding a lot of weight. That's what barbells are for.
@y0ung1996 You can pass your hand through the window of one and let it rest on your wrist while gripping the other. You can also grip two handles together, which is my favorite method since it puts a crazy load on your grip too. But if you want to make something awesome, pick up some pipe and go to work. Share the results if you do!
@y0ung1996 Line your KBs up, slide one stout pipe or barbell through the handles, and deadlift whatever you got (this is assuming you don’t have access to weight plates. Because if you just want to deadlift heavy, a barbell and plates is the obvious answer)
@y0ung1996 I bought a cable machine attachment ez curl bar for stuff like this. Use a carabiner and some cable through the handles.

TBH rigging like this is too much effort and I haven't touched it for months lol.
@y0ung1996 In addition to the other suggestions here, you can pass a strap, rope, band or chain thru multiple KBs and a 6" long piece of 1.25" or 1.5" diameter pipe for cheap farmers carry handles. A carabineer makes this quick detach. Then you can deadlift and easily farmers carry 36kg in each hand with what you have.