Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

@nadira ooo if you don't mind me asking, how much were you drinking? my height and weight are similar to yours and I'm trying to reduce drinking
@effie A lot. Probably 4-6 days a week, getting drunk/tipsy 2-3 of those days. I was mostly drinking shots and white claws, but that shot adds up. I'd wager I'm saving myself an average of 400 calories a day.

Then I'm also not making those bad drunk/hungover food decisions.
@stephny Aiming for the lower 50kg’s. Started at 68kg just shy of two months ago and now on 62kg, I work out 3-4 times a week with HIIT, strength and walking. But the biggest difference for me is being in a calorie deficit. I used to think eating intuitively would work for me - but it was only once I started weighing everything and tracking my calories that I’m losing weight. Makes it easier that I WFH though! I still have a cheat day (usually on weekends) but it hasn’t affected me much.
@stephny 5’0, CW- 120, SW- 150. Patience, time, consistency, and intermittent fasting are what did it for me. Started in May 2020, and have been maintaining where I’m at for the last year.
@maxx55 Good for you! I started if during the pandemic at 150 and dropped to 130 but didn’t focus on maintenance. I def recomped since then bc my clothes still fit but back at 150🫠
@stephny 5’2- goal is 150.

Though this seems high, I was a size 6/8 in pants s/m in shirts when I was previously 150. Im pretty happy with that, and it was very attainable for me. I may change my goal to the 130-140 range once I reach the 150 goal. I have to make realistic goals for myself or I fall back from over restricting and “rushing” the process.

Edit: me at 145-150
@chadgervais Same height a few pounds heavier and technically overweight but a size 8 and look relatively slim. I'm aiming for 120 just so I'm middle of healthy weight range, I feel ridiculous telling people I'm overweight.
@reebs I feel you I’m the same height and weight right now and I’d be so fine if I didn’t carry this much weight in my stomach. I’m perfectly curvy everywhere else😭
@reebs Man body comp is crazy. I’m 5’2’’ 150lbs and I’m a 10/12 and just look fat. Even at 130 with muscle I still looked chubby. For me a weight I’d be comfortable with is like 120.
@stephny I’m around 110, trying to get to 105, which isn’t much change but want to be a bit slimmer and more toned. I’m 43 and I run, so have some muscle already but I’m not going to lie, that scale doesn’t budge the way it was when I was younger.