Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

@amamames Around your age. Do you have kids? What do you do for diet and exercise (calories)? I was always comfortable around 110, but counting calories is dangerous for me because of past behavior. I then got very sick which made me gain a lot of weight (hormone/thyroid/meds related) and I'm still trying to work that off. I'd like to know the maintenance of people my age so I can use that as a benchmark.
@robertjjones Yes I have kids but not biologically (they’re step children).

For diet, I eat a ton of plants, various protein. I do intermittent fasting. And of course, let loose once in a while.

Fasting really helps. And helps feel like you’re not stuck/trapped. I highly suggest “the laid back guide to intermittent fasting”
@stephny I’m 5’1. I GW: 140 ( I like my thighs and booty and I’m okay with having a little belly to keep them😭) CW: 160. I always looked the weight, it’s the maintaining for me🤣 I travel a lot for work, so I go to Orange Theory about 4xs a week and run 3 days a week outside of that! Currently not weight lifting (like serious weights), because it’s hard to have that kind of membership when I travel so much!
@stephny Something around 50kg. I was 47 kg at 18 years and when I moved away at 19 things got out of control for me. So 47 kg plus a couple of muscle kgs through strength training is my goal, I hope to get there in a year (I'm at 69 kg right now 🥲).
@olegsko A 47-48kg woman here aged 31 and 154cm. I mostly do a combination of cardio plus own body weight and box fitness or circuit training classes. It was never my goal to be much larger in volume because I am petite and don't carry weight above 52kg very well. I am still quite muscular for my size, but tight, as in, not super big yet still fit and mostly store those larger muscles in my lower body. I eat vegetarian and probably around 1700 calories a day with regular daily steps and about 3 gym sessions a week.
@stephny i’m 42kg and i’m trying to at least get to 46kg, I’ve just been trying to eat bigger meals and more high calorie nutrient dense foods and lift weights
@stephny 5’1.5”. Current weight 110, goal weight 105ish. I’ve got a pretty small frame and maintain pretty easily in this range on a WFPB diet.
@gatodeq What are your favorite protein-dense meals that are WFPB? I want to go plant based for the health benefits, but struggle to get enough calories & protein as is :(