Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

@aubie2 For me, I know I just need to be more consistent with meals but it's so hard at times. My appetite is small and I'm picky with my food. But it must be done.
@aliciamoe1 Mind me asking how young you are? I'm 5'1 and was 42kg when I was in my late teens. Struggled massively with weight gain caused by poor appetite and inconsistent eating patterns too!
@aliciamoe1 Lifting weights at the gym helped. It stimulated my appetite and I was eating regularly. I also used peanut butter, avocado, etc., to get extra calories. I found it best to learn into my "weird" eating. I didn't feel the urge to eat three meals a day, but instead ate one BIG meal a day with some snacks as needed. This got me up to 45-48kg.

But when I hit 24/25, my appetite seemed to fix itself and my weight normalised? I went up to 50-52kg and have stayed there.

Best of luck to you, I hope you're able to gain weight. I know how frustrating it is!
@darentv I respect it! People are really mean about taking it (I’m in like every sub out there bc curiosity) but they’re also mean about being overweight like let people be
@robertjjones Start was at 171. Currently 129. I was obese and needed to lose weight. It's not covered by insurance, though to be honest, I didn't even try. I'm paying out of pocket. If your labs reflect no issues with your liver and kidneys, you could be a candidate. It's worth discussing with your doctors or a med spa who works with a doctor. You must have your labs done prior to starting. I suggest doing plenty of research on your own, including the original studies on GLP1s, so you understand how they work, what to expect, what risks are involved, what to eat, etc.
@stephny I’m 5’0 and 119lbs. (47F). I run or workout on my Bowflex Max, as well as strength train, kickboxing and core work every day ( I use Apple Fitness +). I wear a size 4-6 in jeans and small shirts and sweaters. To maintain I eat around 1500 calories but 1850 is my maintenance calories.
I was down to 113 but that was health related and now I’m happy and healthy at 119.
My diet is high in fruits and vegetables, low fat protein (such as chicken breast and ground turkey), sugar free where I can (coffee creamer, jam) and low carb substitutes like tortillas and English muffins.
Good luck! You can reach your goals!!
@stephny I’m 5’2 currently 150 and goal is prob 135.

No one believes I’m 150 I carry it well as they say but i hate it because the weight gathers at my stomach (thanks PCOS) I also have trouble losing weight but also refuse to count calories bc I don’t want to risk that slippery slope so just trying to up my activity and protein as much as possible. I also am working my daily routine to be more on the intermittent fasting side. I’ve lost 6 lbs in the past two months so it’s working but I’m EXHAUSTED by the end of the day.

I try to workout for an hour everyday, lifting 4x a week or really long walks or volleyball on rest days. I’m caving and buying the fair life shakes to get protein in otherwise I’m at risk of hurling and I drink like 120 ozs of water everyday. That’s a lot but my meds dehydrate me so
@mikeliznsam I totally understand what you’re saying. I’m 5’1 and 143lbs. No one believes me when I say how much I weigh.
It is so frustrating because I work out 6 days a week, hardly drink alcohol, eat pretty well and don’t drink sugary beverages but the weight won’t budge on the scale!
I went for a cool sculpting consultation and they told me I don’t have enough body fat to be a good candidate. Which was nice to hear but again at the same time it’s like nothing will change my body at this point it feels like
@crossbearer33 Exactly my situation! I cut out soda many years ago. I don’t drink sweet tea nor processed juices, energy drinks nor other beverages that’s not 100% natural orange juice, black coffee with a splash of creamer, soymilk or water. When I do drink it’s like once a month socially. I’ve drastically upped my water intake and for 3 weeks I have weighed myself after workout out sweating so much and eating intentionally and it’s still 141-142. I’m surprised they said our proportions wouldn’t qualify. I see way slimmer people in those before and after photos, and atleast for me at these measurements I have a pretty protruding belly, arms, and big butt and thighs. My pant size for reference is sitting at an 8 but I like to be between 4-6
@stephny 5’2 and my goal weight is 110-115 lbs i’ve been going to the gym pretty consistently since September and have seen really great results, while the scale has only gone down a few lbs, clothes looks and feel a lot better on me and I’m really happy. I’m 128 lbs right now and started at 155 lbs. I lost a chunk of the weight by calorie deficit and intermittent fasting and then started going to the gym for body recomp and toning up once I lost 20 lbs! I still fast and count calories with occasional cheat days and such but I haven’t done a drastic calorie deficit in a while which was what led me to lose the initial 20 lbs. I think if I were to do that I probably would lose a lot more weight but with all the lifting and cardio it’s hard to eat at the same deficit I used to which I did while never stepping foot in the gym! I’m still positive I’ll reach 110-115 lbs eventually but I’m doing it in a way that’s sustainable!