Thoughts on Thomas Delauer's Macro's: 225g Potein | 100g Carbs | 100g Fat @180lbs


New member
From the IG post below. Was planning to start this but wanted to get some feedback. He acknowledges he takes peptides but would like to keep this focused on macros and not about PED's. His physique has been consistent and that's mainly what I'm looking for.

225g protein, 100g Carbs (sometimes more, sometimes less), 100g fat (sometimes more if my carbs are lower).

5’10 180ish

I don’t count calories. Not because I don’t think they’re extremely important, but because it seems as if I focus on nutrient quality, I seem to self-govern my intake in a realistic away.

2.300 kcal

some days it’s more. But truthfully I think nutrient density plays a part
  • 4-8 eggs
  • 1-2lbs of lean ground beef (or ground chicken)
  • a lot of strawberries
  • kiwis
  • purple sweet potatoes
  • more ground beef
  • avocados
  • Whey protein (usually 1 shake per day)
  • Kefir, Raw Milk, Greek or Bulgarian Yogurt
  • Brussels Sprouts, Asparagus, or Broccoli
  • Smoked Salmon, Sardines
  • Flax Seeds (ground) often times in yogurt
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • too much dark chocolate and sometimes even the bad stuff
I do mess around with peptides though.

I just choose to eat my calories from protein because I like it more than fat and carbs
@ablessedwoman Well, far more protein than the science says he needs. But beyond that, he's an influencer making money selling the secrets to a better life ($2549 for a person with zero formal training to give you a 'nutrition and supplement plan'), not a doctor, not a researcher. He's probably had cosmetic surgeries and takes exotic 'enhancements' to get his physique. His macros are not his secret. His secret will remain a secret so normies think if they pay him they can look like him. They cannot.
I do mess around with peptides though.

The cynical man in me loves this. Just a single sentence portrayed nonchalantly where he's admitting to using PEDs thrown in at the end of the post to cover himself in case he gets called out on it later. "I've always been open about it, see?"
@tongdtbds3 How would you adjust his macros based on science?

"not a doctor, not a researcher"... doesn't hold much weight nowadays. It's like learning business from a PHD or someone who's actually built a million-dollar business. I'd rather learn from someone who has evidence they've actually been successful.

Not saying his macros are his secret but he's doesn't fluctuate much and doesn't do these crazy bulks and cuts. I think he's mentioned he had surgery on loose skin as he was around 300lbs but I think it's a little much to imply he's had other cosmetic surgery without any evidence.
@ablessedwoman Well then you are the perfect customer to charlatans like this guy! If you're not interested in what actual research says and just want to pay the biggest guy the most money, I recommend you do so.
@tongdtbds3 Basic on their post history, it’s either a vary committed troll account, or someone who is looking for short cuts to basically everything.

The username checks out though, so maybe none of this is sincere.
@tongdtbds3 I'm not too far from his physique and I never said I wasn't interested in what actual research says. I just want to see macros of someone who has my ideal physique that maintains it consistently. Obviously, I'm not looking to hire him but he's clearly doing something right.
@ablessedwoman I would say carbs are low. To put into perspective I’m a female 5’1” 150 lbs also in a cut phase but my macros are 135g protein, 128g carbs, 50g fats 1500 cals I strength train 6x week and cardio 2-3x per week.

What I will say is focusing on macros over calories is smart. If you hit your macros you’ll hit the cals but you will not always hit your macros if you primarily focus on calories.

Macros also fluctuate depending on if you are in maintenance, bulk or cut phase. The fact that his carbs are low seems more like a cut phase to me.
@ablessedwoman I see. You just want people's opinions on his macros. They seem pretty dumb. Protein excessive. Lower carbs than you would want to train as hard as you would need to keep that muscle growing. Weirdly low number of calories. Shitload of beef very concerning from a saturated fat standpoint. Overall it's some broscience bullshit.
@ablessedwoman I’m not here to play the natty or not game, but saying you’d rather learn from someone who has “evidence” they’re successful - aka a nice physique - over researchers who deal in actual evidence is a huge logical fallacy.

No idea who this guy is, don’t really care to learn, but trusting peoples word on their physiques is not smart because of many factors including genetics and steroids, let alone additional factors like income, selling dreams, etc.
@thechristianarmybrand How often does "research" change? Remember the food pyramid? Now supposedly 16/8 intermittent fasting is bad for you (I don't believe this). My point is all research is not equal and it changes.

I also love good research but I also want to see it put in practice with someone that is getting real results. If you have someone better you suggest to check out I'm all ears.
@ablessedwoman Read the article I linked in another comment. It's written by Eric Trexler, a natural bodybuilder and PhD researcher with an expertise in exercise and nutrition. His whole life is literally figuring out what works for gainz.
@nguyenviet92 I don't know how my post is turning into me defending the guy lol. PEDs or not this is an impressive transformation. What's more impressive to me is that he maintains a great physique year-round without fluctuating for many years.

He's pushing eating healthy and exercise, there's certainly worse. Most formally educated docs put people on depression meds they can't get off of or worse for weight loss. Let's assume he's lying about being on PEDs, I actually think that's a net benefit when you factor in kids. I don't watch a ton of his stuff but I've never heard him push his $2.5k plan once, mostly sponsor ads. Regardless, he's not forcing anyone to watch or buy his stuff. If he sold a course he would be making 100x more than he is.