Thoughts on Thomas Delauer's Macro's: 225g Potein | 100g Carbs | 100g Fat @180lbs

@sailing_soul Try doing a few fast. After doing 3 day fast every 90 days, I have been able to maintain on around 50 grams a day. It's tough at first but really helps you understand hunger and energy.
@rojer My issue isn't hunger, it's the physical consequences I get when going low carb: shakes, brainfog, nausea, lightheaded, sweats, etc.
If I ignore it, nausea translates into vomiting and diarrhea, sweats increase, speech is incoherent.

I think I'm going hypoglycemic, but my doctor says it's impossible because I'm not diabetic and that it's normal for fat people to be lightheaded when hungry. She ignores the rest of my symptoms 😑

I'm breastfeeding, so I get that after every time I feed my baby. The more I wait, the worse it is.

I used to maintain my weight on 3 - 3.5k calories postpartum, so I dieted on 2.8 - 3k. After baby started solids, maintenance dropped somewhe around 2.7 and 2.8k, so I'm dieting on ~2.3k calories.

Before baby, I was doing OMAD. It's just more convenient, especially when trying to eat like the midget I am and not like a 6 feet tall man 😆

But even with OMAD, 50 carbs sounds like mission impossible to me. I do have a thyroid issue, I'm medicated, but on the lowest acceptable dose to not die . The doctor wants my thyroid to "restart", which won't happen due to radiation exposure, but she believes in it. I guess she also believes in Santa Claus 😆
@sailing_soul Thyroxine doesn't just replace T4 or t3, it also messes with the pancreas and you do go hypo.

Eat really regularly (same time ery day) and tell people in your life that being hangry is expected.
@livingme7 Funny you mention it, but one of the symptoms of hypoglycemia is anxiety. I was getting it often before
medication when hungry, but now it's so much worse when im hypo 😆

I was able to reduce carbs to "below 200gr" because weening off baby. Well... every time I drop carbs, I get depression. I don't have anything to be depressed about. It's just some sort of chemical response.

As for the eating in schedule, I tried. It doesn't work if the carbs consumed are not enough. I just end up being mildly hypo all day. It seems to be more about the quantity of sugar in the blood and quality of carbs, so they don't vanish fast and send you into a crash.
@ablessedwoman Legs say natty. Arms say PED. And for an active person striving to be a natty bodybuilder, I feel ~2200-2300 calories is just not gonna be sufficient, unless that’s for cutting
@ablessedwoman 40/40/20 protein/carbs/fat is usually a decent ratio and you can adjust from there. In a bulk I prefer 35% protein/50% carbs/15% fat but that’s just me. In a cut it’s more like 45% protein/40% carbs/15% fat. I recommend starting at 40/40/20 then identify what ratio works best for you to stay within the calorie range you’re trying to hit.
@ablessedwoman Protein at no more than 1g/pound of bodyweight, and even that is excessive when you're not deep into a cut. As low as .7g/pound could do. You don't need fat to be more than .3g/pound of bodyweight, athough it could certainly be more if you like, especially if you're bulking. And then just fill in the rest of your calories with carbs to reach your desired energy balance (cutting/maintaining/bulking).
@ablessedwoman I would say carbs are low. To put into perspective I’m a female 5’1” 150 lbs also in a cut phase but my macros are 135g protein, 128g carbs, 50g fats 1500 cals I strength train 6x week and cardio 2-3x per week.

What I will say is focusing on macros over calories is smart. If you hit your macros you’ll hit the cals but you will not always hit your macros if you primarily focus on calories.

Macros also fluctuate depending on if you are in maintenance, bulk or cut phase. The fact that his carbs are low seems more like a cut phase to me.