Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

@clarissa_ How does one "enjoy the process?". I find it rather mundane "checking the boxes" even though I know that's the trick. How did you all break through this results gratification mindset to the process gratification mindset?
@robingood I started working out at 5:00am back at the beginning of 2021. It was hard to wake up that early at first but I had no choice because of how my schedule worked at the time. Eventually I realized I was looking forward to the workouts despite the early hour, and that I felt much better physically and mood wise on days that I had trained than rest days. All this really contributed to "enjoying the journey."

I would also make a second strong word of caution against ego traps. Ego driven lifting led me to do a lot of high-intensity junk volume that just exhausted me, wasn't productive, and was certainly not enjoyable. Do this for long enough and you will hate training.
@clarissa_ All very good points that are myself use. I have always been the one who likes more reps, less weight. But if you want to get pumped up, less reps, more weight. And use supplements like they are your food, because in a way they are. I use HGH, sapogenix, epitech, arachnidone, creatine, and aminos. And last but not least, whey protein in my KaChava shake. You seriously want to get jacked, use these. And I use KaChava twice a day, it’s better than food. PS-don’t forget your multivitamin with all of the B’s.
@clarissa_ The key to this thread is number 1, your age, 2, a plan, 3, discipline, both in the gym and out (food) all these kids on here say they gained 20lbs of lean mass in 10 months and they just started training!
@clarissa_ Nice work, great job, congrats on the progress. Agreed with everything you said except ”3 minute rest is a must”. Its not. Im sorry if i sound like a prick, The only reason im correcting you is only because but often i see newbies get bad info with the word ”must” that they take literally take word for word cause someone more advanced sad so thinking its a must.
Im building muscle without 3 min rest. So they build up an infinite amount of bodybuilding laws that dont exist. You can build muscle on 2.5 min rest, 2 min, 1.5 min and even one min and below. There is no must.
@setst777 I won’t think someone is a prick just because they disagree with me. You’re polite, and you’re coming from a good place. And you’re right, it’s not a must for everyone — BUT longer rest has been shown to be more beneficial for strength and muscle.

Source: Brad J Schoenfeld et al. J Strength Cond Res. 2016 Jul.
@clarissa_ You're way off on the protein intake. Peer reviewed literature on athletes has proven 0.3 grams of protein per body pound is more than sufficient to maintain lean mass during a caloric deficit. 0.8-0.9 grams per pound is more than enough during bulk. More protein is just a waste that your body doesn't use.
@yueba My bodyweight is 77kg at the moment. That’s 170lbs.

Using “my” recommendation of 1.6-2.2 grams per kg of body weight, that yields a range of 123 - 167 grams of protein per day.

Using your recommendation of 0.8-0.9, that’s 136-153.

I don’t dispute the research at all, and I am up to date on it, but the range is (as you can see) very similar.

So to say I am “way off” is definitely a stretch.