Tuck L-sit made me climax??

@joani7552 When I was a kid, I would hang on the monkey bars at school. This resulted in a climax, and eventually I found myself doing it almost every day when I could. It happened fairly quickly. I would hang until my arms shook, then I would try pulling up with my core which resulted in an orgasm. I don't recall ever noticing anything in my pants when I had these occasions. However, this was before I knew about masturbation, so I never thought to check I guess. I could get it to happen from hanging anywhere: window-sills, bunk-beds, monkey-bars, anything where my feet got off the ground.
@jesuslovesu How are you able to live your life, seeing as you cannot possible fit through doorways with your huge lat muscles. I would've been doing these 7 hours a day through my teenage years.
@jesuslovesu It's almost creepy how perfectly this mirrors my own childhood experience. I used to be late to class after recess all the time. I had no idea what was happening then, but it took years to stop cringing once I realized what an orgasm was.

Our house had a spiral staircase too, and...yeah.
@inluvwitdalord Yes, it's real. I am male.

Here's how it happened to me the first time. So I read somewhere about a study that was done to determine how watching pornography affected men's performance in physical activities, and it found that men performed better in weightlifting and calisthenic exercises after watching a few minutes of porn. So, of course, I decided to add pornography to my rest periods between rounds in the body weight routine, then I reward myself with a happy ending after I've finished the routine.

Fast forward to when I added L-sits to my routine. "Huh.... if I put this chair right here and put this laptop on top of the chair....". Cue fireworks during round three of 15s L-sit hold.

I experimented with some other exercises, as well, but L-sit is the only one that has given my pocket rocket a successful liftoff. Second closest was L-hold on the pull-up bar. Handstand hold wasn't even close - in fact, I generally go flaccid. No explosions in dynamic exercises, either.
@ajc017 ISTR some research was done about chatting to hotties in the gym actually increases T levels irrespective of whether you get a date, were flirting or just talking about moths. It was the fact that you were talking to a hotty. Biology, eh.
@ajc017 Nothing stopping you going up to hotties in the gym then explaining that you're conducting studies into relative effects of talking to different people and achieving PBs.

As for the boner, you'll have to think something up yourself.