Tuck L-sit made me climax??

@mainstay I know you are all serious athletic people, but a video of such a thing would be amazing. If any of you who experience this are also not modest/prudish and willing, you'll be internet famous. This is one of those myth/legend topics that the internet goes crazy for. Sex and mystery.... And YouTube would allow it, because you'd be clothed. That's money well deserved.
@mainstay This is known to happen on occasion but it doesn't seem to be very common. If it happens every time... Then you should get really good at L Sits :)

Really though if it's a huge concern for you and doesn't go away then go talk to your doctor. Though I can't imagine it sticking around.
@mainstay Yep. I actually had to take a break from BWF. It happened when I did L-sits and ab rollouts. It was a complete workout ruiner. I ended up doing other ab stuff till I got stronger and it went away. Sprint routines got rid of it for me, personally.